All Feminist Youth Culture Studies Flashcards
Which Feminists created the concept of bedroom culture?
McRobbie and Garber
What did McRobbie and Garber say about girl youth cultures?
They are mostly home-based
What form of subculture did the ladettes create?
Anti-school subculture
According to McRobbie and Garber, why are girl youth cultures mostly home-based?
They have more home responsibilities than boys
What fear did Jackson find the girls had?
Fear of failure
Name 2 things girls talked about in bedroom culture
Beauty, Fashion
What did McRobbie and Garber say girls were taught by reading feminine magazines?
Codes of femininity
What do codes of femininity do?
Reinforce female gender roles
Who studied the ladettes?
How did the magazines help the girls be socialised in McRobbie and Garber’s study?
They learnt what they should value as adults
What did the fear of failure lead the girls to do in Jackson’s study?
Joining an anti-school subculture
What did the teachers say about the ladettes in Jackson’s study?
They were more assertive than the boys
Name a type of role model to the ladettes
Female celebrities
Which masculine behaviour did female celebrities adopt?
Heavy drinking
If the female celebrities had this behaviour, how could the ladettes eventually behave?
They could also engage in heavy drinking