All Neo-Marxist Youth Culture Studies Flashcards
Who did Jefferson study?
Teddy Boys
What were Teddy Boys doing by buying Edwardian-style clothing?
Buying status
Why did the Teddy Boys buy status?
To resist the status they were losing
Why were the Teddy Boys losing status in terms of within their communities?
Their communities were being destroyed
Who were the Teddy Boys violent towards?
The Windrush Generation
Why were the Teddy Boys violent towards The Windrush Generation?
They felt they were destroying their working class communities
Who did Brake study?
The Hippies
What concept did Brake create for the Hippies?
Magical solutions
What were magical solutions?
An unrealistic way to solve the problems of the Hippies
What were the Hippies resisting?
How did The Hippies resist capitalism?
They lived off student grants
What was the social class of most Hippies?
Middle class
Which war did the Hippies oppose?
Vietnam War
How did Hippies do their hair and clothing?
Had long hair, wore long clothes
Why did the Hippies make this their style?
To further oppose the Vietnam war
Who studied the Late Skinheads?
Cohen and Clarke
What boots and clothing did the Late Skinheads wear?
Factory boots and overalls