Feminist Analysis of Deviant Youth Cultures Flashcards
What are delinquent female youth cultures called?
Ladette Cultures
Which sociologist did a Ladette study?
What did Jackson find in her study?
Academic pressure made lots of students stop trying due to fear of failure
What is the strategy called which students who are worried about failing called?
Self worth protection strategy
How did teachers find coping with ladettes was?
Harder to cope with than the lads due to the way they challenged female identity
How do ladettes act?
More assertive and sassy
How did new role models for young women influence the ladette identity?
Female role models were adapting more masculine behaviours
What did Jackson and Tinkler find with media coverage of female binge drinkers?
Created a moral panic leading to negative perceptions of girls and bad views on drinking at all
What type of girls join gangs and why do they join?
Vulnerable girls, as it gives them a sense of belonging
What did Batchelor argue about the risks of girls being in gangs?
More at risk of sexual exploitation
What did the Centre for Social Justice find gangs bullied girls in to doing? Why?
Bullied them in to transporting drugs as less likely to be stopped
What do Feminists say about how popular culture impacts women?
It negatively impacts their gender identity
What did Frith argue about popular culture?
Men and women learn their gender roles through pop culture
How does Frith argue female artists can be denied pop culture self expression?
Women who challenge stereotypes are overlooked by commercial companies
What did Hall et al find? How are boys and girls affected?
Sexualized lyrics in songs teaches young men to treat women poorly. Lyrics teach young women that their only value to society is to provide sexual pleasure for others
What are the effects of the song lyrics on young women?
Depression, eating disorders and poor body image
How does Rose support Hall et al’s views?
Discusses how black women in Hip-Hop are seen as extremely sexualized and few female hip-hop artists aren’t
How does Rose say exploitation of women in Hip-Hop has become a genre requirement?
To make themselves more marketable