Managing Triallists - Moving Them Closer To Joining Flashcards
What are the 3 “objections” you are looking to identify and deal with every time you speak with a triallist?
Time, Money, Spouse
Where are you trying to get the triallist to move closer to?
Joining on a 12 month program
If a triallist says “I am thinking about which program to continue on with”, what do you say?
Great, lets go and help you choose. Come with me into the office.
When should you speak with your triallists?
At every single session they are in, when you are on shift. If you don’t get to chat with them, send them a positive text.
How long should you chat to each triallist for?
As long is needed to build deeper rapport AND make them realise what they WILL achieve with us over 12 months
What is a good answer if a triallist says they want/need to train more than 3/4 times a week?
“Why do you think you need to train so much?
I’m actually ecstatic if you can average just 8 sessions in a month, any more than that and it’s a bonus.“
Educate them that they are incorrect and 8-12 a month is ideal. In 8 months time they would have transformed themselves with that number of sessions on average.
If a triallist says they struggle with a certain exercise what should you do?
Spend 5 minutes helping them with that exercise there and then. E.g. “Ah yeah alot of people want to get the hang of the deadlift, lets go through it now, I’ve got a few moments…This time in 4 months and you WILL love this exercise.”
If you are not able to speak with the triallist in person as you were busy in an assessment what do you do?
Speak with their trainer/check the trello Passover and text them something about what they were doing well. Eg “Hey Bob, you looked like you smashed that session. Your squat has improved leaps and bounds! Enjoy it?”
Finish this question: How was that session? ________
How was that session? How are you finding everything?
For most answers to the following question what is the best thing to say?
“What does your partner feel about you training at DVCC?”
Great invite them in, I am happy to sit and chat to them.
Obviously the results you are going to be achieving here mean it’s going to be a huge part of your life…He may not even recognise you in 6 months time! I would love to explain what you do here.
What is a question to ask the triallist to find out if they know about their ongoing program options?
Do you have any questions about the programs going forward?
If a triallist has said they want to lose weight, what is a question you should ask them early into their trial?
I remember when you came in your biggest thing was to lose weight, has your weight changed?
Your answer - Well I’ve got 10 minutes lets sit down and go through a couple of strategies about nutrition
What do you have to make the triallist be thinking about?
Benefits to them…NOT the features of the program
How many sessions do clients need to do, to achieve great results?
8-12 A MONTH….Not 2 sessions per week. 8-12 a month.
If a client wants to cancel a session, what should you tell them to do?
Reschedule their session now