Half Way Conversions Flashcards
If someone gives you a “reason” why they can’t join, what have you not given them?
Enough emotional reason TO join…Change the conversation back to about what they are desperately wanting to achieve
Where do you speak with the client about joining?
In the office, however if that is not a possibility it can be done anywhere in the DVCC
What do you say if a client says they want to train 5 days a week?
You don’t actually need to, infact I am happy if you achieve just 2 sessions a week, anything more is a bonus. For YOU 2/3 sessions a week is going to be perfect. How many people you know can say they lift weights and do hard cardio 2 times a week?
What is the average membership sale value you are aiming for?
What is your conversion percentage standard?
How are trial conversion conversations done? Phone etc
In person face to face
What company administers DVCC memberships?
What are the cancellation policies on a 12 month agreement?
Relocation (15 miles away from a DVCC), injury (with a doctor/appropriate specialist), redundancy, pregnancy
When a client chooses their program what do you say?
Ok great well lets get that all set up today and as we are really grateful you are becoming part of The DVCC family, we are going to give you £Insert amount today
We are going to give you 13 months for 12, and your first payment isn’t until…….. as we debit in arrears.
If a client is not saying anything and looking at the program sheet, what should you do?
Not say anything! WIN the silence.
What are the 3 age-old objections clients can give? And anything they say is always related to.
Time, money, spousal objections
What are the 5 “selling questions”?
Who, What, When, Where, How
What do you say if the triallist says “it is too far for me to travel”?
Ah you have done so well so far, and are easily set to achieve 8 sessions in the month which is all you need.
Why do you think you aren’t getting enough sessions to lose that…Enter goal
What is the url that the membership agreement is at?
What ONE line do you HAVE to say in order to do your job?
Let’s get you set up on that program….And because we are so grateful you are becoming part of the DVCC family we will give you £Insert amount, as we are going to give you 13 months for 12, and your first payment isn’t until…..As we debit in arrears.
What do you say if a client uses the fact they haven’t completed a team training session as their “reason” they can’t join today
Ah ok why do you think team training will not be great for you?
It is perfect for you.
All sessions and training we do here is designed specifically for our clients who are averagely your age and have the same goals.
If we get you set up today we will give you £insert amount.
If you are going to be converting a triallist at a time NOT in your normal shift. How long before the end of their session should you be there?
At least 30 minutes
If a triallist is coming out with a lot of “objections” what have you not done?
Dealt with them in the time between their assessment and this point. Recheck “managing triallists experiment”
If a client is on a 15 day trial, when is there half way conversion due?
Day 7
If a client is on a 21 day trial, when is there half way conversion due?
Day 10
What is the insentive for a cient to commit to DVCC before the end of their trial?
We will give them £programamount as we give them 13 months for 12
When does a triallists trial start? On their assessment date? Or from the first date of their first training session
The date of their first training session
Can half way conversions be done on the phone or via text message?
What is the first line you say of the half way conversion?
How have you been enjoying your training with us?
What do you say when the triallist indicates the program that is best for them?
Ok great well lets get that all sorted today and as we are really grateful you are becoming part of The DVCC, we are going to give you £insertamount
We are giving you 13 months for 12 and you first payment isn’t unti …..Enter date….as we debit in arrears
What do our clients NOT buy on?
Price. They buy on value and the fact DVCC will get them to where they want to be
Can a triallist pay for their program in one annual payment?
Yes. With a 10% reduction. You would minus off the trial first then work out the 10% reduction
What is the reduction on a triallists payment if they choose to pay in full for the year?
If a client does not join what do you do with their “deal” on pipedrive?
Click “lost” on pipedrive and enter as much information as you can in regards to why they didn’t join DVCC this time.
When should the conversion be done? After, before or during a session?
Always after a session whenever possible. If you have two clients to convert. And you have spoken to one previously. They would be before the session and the new person after the sessions.
If you have 2 trials to convert, and you have already spoke to one, when should you do the conversion with each. Before?
The trial you have spoken to already should be done first pre the session, and the trial who the conversion is the first time, should be done as normal after the session
If a triallist has completed their trial, and not chosen to continue. What do you do with their “deal”?
You complete any outstanding tasks, and click “lost” on their deal, and enter as much information as you can as to their reason for not joining now.
What do you say when you hear this objection?
I want to speak to my husband/wife
Great invite them in, I am happy to sit and chat to them.
Obviously the results you are going to be achieving here mean it’s going to be a huge part of your life…He may not even recognise you in 6 months time!
I would love to explain what you do here.
What do you say when a triallist says “I haven’t thought about it”?
That’s no worries. I have the programs here (present programs). Remember that all these semi private training options (thats the session you just did), give you access to team training as well.
Based on what has been working for you, this program seems the best option.
It’s too far for me to travel
Ah you have done so well so far, and are easily set to achieve 8 sessions in the month which is all you need.
Why do you think you aren’t getting enough sessions to lose that…Enter goal?
I don’t have enough time
Ah you have done so well so far, and are easily set to achieve 8 sessions in the month which is all you need.
Why do you think you aren’t getting enough sessions to lose that…Enter goal
I can’t afford it
Which program are you meaning?
That’s no worries. May I ask which programme you cannot afford?
if they point to a programme.
That’s absolutely fine remember when we talked in the assessment about how you wanted to [achieve XYZ]. With this [other programme] here you will absolutely smash your goals.
How does this one sit with you financially?
If the answer is still too “expensive”
That’s okay NAME. After we have spoken in the assessment and after your session about your [different goals] and after how much progress you have already made, I feel very invested in your fitness journey.
May I ask, if you aren’t training here, what you will do instead?
What are your concerns with how that might affect your goals?
I want to speak to my husband/wife
Great invite them in, I am happy to sit and chat to them.
Obviously the results you are going to be achieving here mean it’s going to be a huge part of your life…He may not even recognise you in 6 months time!
I would love to explain what you do here.
I can’t afford semi PT but I don’t want to do team
Why don’t you want to do team?
You know what, some of our triallists who are actually now clients felt the same after they initially did team.
However what they found is that as its the same DVCC trainers, the same DVCC atmosphere and it gives them great results, they found as they got more used to it they now love it…And they loved the results even more!
The team programs are perfect for you.
Remember when we talked in the assessment about how you wanted to [achieve XYZ].
With this [other programme] here you will absolutely smash your goals.
How does this one sit with you financially?
So lets get you set up on this program and as we are so grateful you are becoming part of the DVCC family we will buy back your trial meaning your first payment is only £….
And then your next payment isn’t all the way until…..
I go away in January and miss a month, can I pause?
Ah thats no worries, we have plenty of clients who do the same and all they do is a few extra sessions before and then some after and so they never lose out.
Infact it is exactly why these programs are structured like this.
So lets do this, lets get you set up on this program and as we are so grateful you are becoming part of the DVCC family we give you £insertamount for joining us today..
I am currently redundant and so I don’t want to make a decision
Ah thats no problems, we have had plenty of people do trials and then become clients who were redundant or concerned about being made redundant.
We have a redundancy clause in the contract (show clause)….
SO all that happens is because we are so grateful that you would becoming part of the DVCC family we will give you £insertamount for joining today.
AND if you still haven’t got a job then you simply use the clause in the contract for redundancy. THEN all you are committing to is this initial smaller payment thats going to have you training for another ? weeks without any concerns!
It’s too far for me to travel
Ah you have done so well so far, and are easily set to achieve 8 sessions in the month which is all you need.
Why do you think you aren’t getting enough sessions to lose that…Enter goal?
I want to wait until the end & then decide
May I ask why it is that you want to wait? Perhaps I can help?
Remember when we talked in the assessment about how you wanted to [achieve XYZ]. Thats going to take 8-12 months, which is why this program is perfect for you.
Do you agree on that?
If we get it set up today we will give you £insertamount.
I want to do this program but pay this
Why do you want to do that program?
Remember when we talked in the assessment about how you wanted to [achieve XYZ].
With this [other programme] here you will absolutely smash your goals.
I am still a member of a gym, so I don’t want to pick a program until I have finished my gym membership
If you didn’t have a gym membership which one is for you?
Remember when we talked in the assessment about how you wanted to [achieve XYZ]. I am sure you don’t want to put the progress you have got already on hold…
So lets do this.
We are grateful for you becoming part of The DVCC family, so we will give you £insertamount…
I only wanted to come back for a kickstart, and then I am going to do my own thing
Ok like you were doing before? Are you confident this time will be different?
What is it that stops you joining one of our programs?
Remember when we talked in the assessment about how you wanted to [achieve XYZ].
With this program here you will absolutely smash your goals.