M4 - Integument and Somatosensation Flashcards
Most superficial, 4-5 layers
Thickest layer, 2 layers
Composed of areolar and adipose CT
Fxns - protects underlying structures, stores energy, thermal insulation
Stratum corneum
Most superficial, dead keratinocytes, water resistance protection
Stratum granulosum
Living keratinocytes getting flattened, production of proteins, waterproofing
Stratum spinosum
Living keratinocytes, dendritic (langerhans) cells and melanocytes, trigger immune response + protect body from foreign substances, produce melanin, desmosomes help w pulling forces
Stratum lucidum
Dead keratinocytes, palms, finger tips, soles of feet, additional water barrier, thick skin
Stratum basale
Basal stem cells, cells divide to keratinocytes, tactile (Merkel) cells and melanocytes, produce melanin
Vasculature, nerve fibers (tactile [touch] receptors, control blood flow + glandular secretion)
Dermis: papillary layer
Composed of areolar CT, dermal papillae and epidermal ridges interlock
Dermal papillae
Incr surface area for incr nutrient and gas exchange and waste secretion
Dermis: reticular layer
Mainly dense irregular CT, w bundles of collagen fibers, blood vessels, glands, hair follicles, nerves, cleavage (langer’s) lines
Cleavage (langer’s) lines
Collagen and elastin fiber organized in thin parallel bundles to resist stress, incisions perpendicular to lines heal more slow than parallel
Stretch marks
Most abundant cell, stores keratin, protection, bacteriostatic, waterproof skin, vitamin D synthesis, joined by desmosomes