Lower respiratory tract infections in children Flashcards
clinical presentations of common lower respiratory tract infections
bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis
organisms that cause lower respiratory tract infections
bacteria and viruses
tracheitis signs
uncommon, croup which does not get better, fever, sickness
what is tracheitis
staph or strep invasive infection, croup which does not get better, swollen tracheal wall and narrowed tracheal lumen
bronchitis signs
loose rattly cough with URTI, post tussive vomit, sputum, chest free of wheeze,
bronchitis is
very common, endobronchial infection, mostly self limiting, caused by disturbed mucociliary escalator, caused by haemophilia/pneumococcus
treatment of bronchitis
bronchiolitis is
infancy infection of small airways, one off, affects 30-40% of all infants, usually caused by RSv, paraflu III or HMPV, maximal observation and minimal intervention
bronchiolitis signs
nasal stuffiness, trachypnoea, poor feeding, crackles and or wheeze
what day is bronchiolitis peaking and levelling off
investigations for bronchiolitis
NPA, oxygen saturations
bronchitis signs
loose rattly cough with URTI, post tussive vomit, sputum, chest free of wheeze,
bronchitis is
very common, endobronchial infection, mostly self limiting, caused by disturbed mucociliary escalator, caused by haemophilia/pneumococcus
treatment of bronchitis
bronchiolitis is
infancy infection of small airways, one off, affects 30-40% of all infants, usually caused by RSv, paraflu III or HMPV, maximal observation and minimal intervention
bronchiolitis signs
nasal stuffiness, trachypnoea, poor feeding, crackles and or wheeze
what day is bronchiolitis peaking and levelling off
investigations for bronchiolitis
NPA, oxygen saturations
lower respiratory tract infection is characterised by
48 hours, fever, SOB, cough, grunting, wheeze sometimes, reduced or bronchial breath sounds
treatment for pneumonia
nothing if mild symptoms, amoxycillin, macrolide is second line, oral unless vomiting then IV
pneumonia and LRTI difference
pneumonia if focal, crept, high fever and if u want to cause anxiety otherwise call it LRTI
bronchiolitis and LRTI difference
LRTI is in all ages, more rapid onset of symptoms and fever. Bronchiolitis is infancy, 3 days before reach peak, fever rarely
whooping cough
vaccination reduces risk and severity, coughing fits, vomiting and colour
empyaema is
infection spreads from lung tissue to pleural space, fluid, chest pain and very unwell, complication of pneumonia
empyaema is treated by
IV antibiotics and or drainage
tracheitis treatment
antibiotics- augmentin