Liver Flashcards
Which infection cannot be prevented by vaccination? HAV HBV HCV HDV HEV
In which viral hepatitis is pregnancy a risk factor for a fulminant course? HAV HBV HCV HDV HEV
Laënnec cirrhosis is caused by: alcohol biliary obstruction congestive heart failure drug effect Wilson’s disease
Cirrhosis may cause the following except: spontaneus bacterial peritonitis bleeding tendency hepatorenal syndrome iron deficiency hepatocellular carcinoma
spontaneus bacterial peritonitis
“Caput medusae” is the name: of the dying jellyfish when someone dies from the sting of a jellyfish for dilated capillaries for dilated periumbilical veins for spider nevi
for dilated periumbilical veins
Symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy, except: reversal of sleep/wake cycle foetor hepatis asterixis vomiting paralysis
Foetor hepatis is the name of: the fetal liver alcoholic steatosis alcoholic cirrhosis alcoholic steatohepatitis the characteristic smell of the breath of cirrhotic patients
the characteristic smell of the breath of cirrhotic patients
The most common cause of severe acute parenchymal liver lesion: paracetamol overdose mushroom poisoning acute alcohol intoxication cocain overdose viral hepatitis
paracetamol overdose
mushroom poisoning
cocain overdose
What is the idiosyncratic reaction?
drug poisoining of mentally retarded people
when two different drugs have the same adverse effect
severe adverse effect of a drug administered at the usual dose
severe adverse effect resulting from the interaction of two drugs
severe adverse effect resulting from the interaction of more than two drugs
severe adverse effect of a drug administered at the usual dose
What is the likelihood that an HBV infection becomes chronic in a newborn? 0% 1–10% 10–20% 40–50% 90%
Asterixis is a symptom occurring in hepatic encaphalopathy. What is it?
reading cartoons obsessively
visual disturbance: seeing star-like lights
momentarily losing the ability to hyperextend the wrist joint
the name of convulsions seen in this state
reversal of the sleep/wake pattern
momentarily losing the ability to hyperextend the wrist joint
What is hepatorenal syndrome?
severe lesion of the kidney parenchyma seen in liver disease
severe lesion of the liver parenchyma seen in kidney disease
any condition in which there is simultaneous liver and kidney dysfunction
severe impairment of renal function seen in liver disease
severe impairment of liver function seen in kidney disease
severe impairment of renal function seen in liver disease
What percentage of deaths occuring under 70 years of age in Hungary are related to alcohol consumption? 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
The increase of which enzyme activity indicates the lesion of liver parenchyma? LDH ALAT ALP GGT CPK
Liver disease may cause hyperglycemia hypoglycemia bleeding tendency fatty liver
bleeding tendency
fatty liver
Clinical signs of liver disease include: koilonychia palmar erythema hypertrichosis spider nevi
spider nevi
The tolerance for barbiturates in alcoholics is: increased in the sober state increased in the drunken state decreased in the drunken state decreased in the sober state
increased in the sober state
decreased in the drunken state
Chronic hepatitis is never caused by: HDV HCV HBV HAV
It is true about HCV infection:
fulminant course is common
it is the most likely to turn into chronic hepatitis
there is no effective antiviral drug against it
there is no effective vaccine against it
it is the most likely to turn into chronic hepatitis
(?there is no effective antiviral drug against it? it came out really recently and is expensive as fuuuck (i think 81.000 USD/month) so idk if it counts here)
there is no effective vaccine against it
Consequences of cirrhosis in the liver: fewer microvilli on the liver cells more collagen production capillarization of sinusoids loss of parenchyma
fewer microvilli on the liver cells
capillarization of sinusoids
loss of parenchyma
Which materials are primarily excreted in the liver? cholesterol bilirubin copper iron
Which materials are stored in the liver? nutrients iron Vitamins ketone bodies
Vitamins (in lecture I found one slide mentioning all three, and one slide mentioning just nutrients, and iron, so I guess all three is correct)
Which materials coming through the portal vein are filtered and stored in the liver? glucose fatty acids and monoglycerides amino acids ketone bodies
fatty acids and monoglycerides
Which clinical states are associated with a higher risk for hepatocellular carcinoma? chronic HBV infection NASH cirrhosis NAFLD
chronic HBV infection