List L Flashcards
asteroid n.
Gk. asteroeidea: starlike
aerolite n.
apogee n.
Gk. apogaios: away from the earth
gaia: earth
perigee: 近地点
nadir n.
- 天底 2. lowest point, adversity, hardship
cluster n. vi.
n. constellation
v. gather, assemble
quasar n.
Latin. quasi-stellar (qua-: as if)
foliage n.
Latin. folium: leaf
starch n. vt
n. 淀粉
vt. 给…上浆 stiffen Ger. be rigid
pullulate vt.
发芽 sprout, 成长grow
Latin. pullus: young animal
pullulare: grow, sprout
poikilotherm n.
Gk. poikilos: varied, irregular
thermē: heat
homotherm n.恒温动物
rodent n.
Latin. rodere: chew at
primate n.
Latin. primat: of the first rank
coelenterate n.
Gk. koilos: hollow
enteron: 肠
vertebrate n.
Latin. vertere: to turn
vertical adj. up-right, erect
ant. invertebrate n.无脊椎动物
beaming adj.
beam v. transmit
blithesome adj.
cheerful and carefree
anhor vt.
detest, despise, loathe
Latin. abhorrere: shrink back in horror
horrere: shudder, shiver, vibrate violently
aversion n.
dislike, distaste
Latin. aversus: turned away
grudge vt.
- envy, resent 2. give reluctantly
begrudge vt. envy, admire, resent
loathe vt.
loathful, loathsome adj.
abominate vt. n.
loathe n. v.
extricate vt.
release, librate, free
Latin. tricae: perplexities
redress n. v.
(act of) compensation, dole救济
salvage vt.
recover, rescue
savage adj. n.野蛮 vt. 粗暴对待
convoy vt.
escort, accompany
Old Fr. voi –> Latin. via: road
convey vt. explain, transport
dispose vi.
- deal with 2. get rid off
Fr. déposer: to place
efface vt.
Fr. effacer: wipe out, destroy
effectuate vt.
Latin. effectus: produce, act
eradicate vt.
eliminate, get rid off, remove, annihilate
Latin. radix: root
glean vt.
collect, gather, accumlate
forsake vt.
abandon, desert
harness vt.
utilize, command
implement vt.
fulfill, accomplish, effectuate, execute, complete
Latin. implere: fill in
plere: to fill
jettison vt.
discard, reject
purge vt.
purify, remove, clear
Latin. purgare: purify
scrap vt.
discard, dispose
scrape n. v.刮,擦
transact vt.
deal, dispose, manage, conduct
elicit vt.
Latin. elicere: draw out (by trickery)
elicitation .
foment vt.
incite, stir up, agitate, provoke
incite vt.
arouse, provoke, stir
Latin. ciere: summon
instigate vt.
Latin. stigare: prick, incite
prod n. vt.
incite, poke, spur
prop v. n. support
redeem vt.
rescue, save取回,赎回
Latin. redimere: buy back
emere: buy
procure vt.
acquire, obtain
Latin. procurare: take care of, manage
curare: care for
repossess vt.
dodge vt.
avoid, evade
elude vt.
- escape 2. escape(from sb.’s understanding, memory)困惑
elusive adj.
exclusive adj. 排外,独占的
eschew vt.
dodge, avoid, shun, abstain from
shirk vi.
avoid (responsibility)
defiant adj.
hostile, rebellious
defy vt.(公然)反抗
recalcitrant adj.
opposing, resisting (authority)
Latin. calcitrate: kick (with heels)
calc-: heel