List H Flashcards
indemnity n.
- compensation赔款 2. insurance, raparation保证
Latin. demnum: injury
indemnis: not injured
indemnification n. 补偿物,保护
confiscate vt.
seize 没收
Latin. fiscus: public treature
extenuate vt.
diminish, lessen
Latin. tenuis: thin
saddle vt. n.
vt. burden, load 使负担
n. 鞍
abstinence n.
temperance, self-control, self-denial, restrait
Latin: tenere: hold
abs-: away
abstemious adj.
abstain vi.
stipulate vt.
set, specify规定
Latin. stipulari: demand
substantiate vt.
confirm, sustain, verify, corroborate, to give substance to
impeach vt.
accuse, charge
Latin. impedicare: entangle
pedica: snare, trap
indictment n.
charge, accusation, accusal
denounce vt.
speak put against, 1. charge, denote 2. criticize, codemn
condone vt.
pardon, excuse, forgive
Latin. condonare: give up
donare: give
remit vt.
- cancel, reduce intensity, release from
- restore
- delay, defer, postpone
Latin. mittere: send
dispensation n. 特许,赦免
omit v. overlook
emit v. discharge, give off
credential n.
certificate, authentication
arable adj.
Latin. arare: plough
fallow n. adj.
n. 休耕地
adj. unploughed, undeveloped
furrow n.v.犁
nursery n.
kindergarten, greenhouse
furrow n. v.
n. trench犁沟,wrinkle皱纹
v. 犁
tenure n.
Fr. tenir: hold
prune v.
trim, cut down剪除
graft n. v.
n. transplant, bribery
v. transplant
reclamation n.
restoration 开垦,改造
manure v.
Fr. manouvrer: work with hands
rapacious adj.
- avaricious, covetous
- 强夺的
Latin. rapere:seize
rapacity n.
ravenous adj.
grasping, greedy, voracious
raven: n. 1. plunder强夺,2.乌鸦
vt. 1. plunder 2. devour吞
voracity n.
Latin. vorare: devour
voracious adj.
voraciousness n.
cormorant adj. n.
cormaran: sea raven
Latin. corp: raven marenc: of the sea
miserly adj.
- ungenerous 2. avaricious
miser n. 守财奴 ungenerous, selfish person
ascetic adj. n.
苦行的(人)abstemious, rigorous, strict, austere
Gk. askein: exercise
austerity n.
severity of plainness, enforced thrift
austere adj.
exacting adj.
demanding, rigorous
grim adj.
cruel, merciless, depressing, ferocious
ordeal n.
difficult experience, trial 严酷考验
relentless adj.
merciless, ruthless
Latin. lentare: bend, soften
lentus: flexible
scrupulous adj.
prudent, meticulous 严谨,讲究的
Latin. scrupus: sharp stone
stringent adj.
strict, rigid, demanding, rigorous, severe
acrimonious adj.
Latin. acris-: sharp, pungent
intrepid adj.
fearless, dauntless
Latin. trepidus: agitated, shake, tremble
valiant adj.
courageous, dauntless, intrepid
Latin. valere: be strong
valor n. bravery, heroism
valorous adj. brave, courageous
hoax n. vt.
trick, delude愚弄
coax v.哄骗
torpid adj.
sluggish, lacking physical, mental energy
skimpy adj.
insufficient, ungenerous
snobbish adj.
snob n.势力之人
stingy adj.
miserly, ungenerous, sparse吝啬,缺乏的
assiduity n.
attentive behavior, diligence, sedulity
assiduous adj. careful
sedulity n.
diligence, industriousness
sedulous adj. working persistently, painstaking
Latin. se-: without dolus: deception, misleading分心,干扰
aptitude n.
talent, gift
apt ad. be apt to: very appropriate 有…倾向的,灵敏
perspicacity n.
acuteness of discernment, perception
Latin. perspicere: look through
judicious adj.
thoughtful, sensible
ant. injudicious adj.
perceptive adj.
discerning, penetrating, insightful
perspective n. view, vista, outlook
prospective adj. 预期的,有希望的
shrewdness n.
ignominy n.
disgrace, shame
ignominious adj. disgraceful, humiliating
turpitude n.
Latin. turpis: repulsive, disgusting, detastable
sniffish adj.
scornful, disdainful, contemptuous
sniff v. n.闻,嗤之以鼻
pejorative adj.
disdainful, contemptuous, stiffish, scornful
Latin. pejor: worse
cogent adj.
Latin. cogere: drive together
commitment n.
commit vt. 1. promise 2. pledge 3. do wrong
Latin. com-: together mittere: put, send
acid adj.
sarcastic, acrid, acerbic, bitter
Latin. acere: be sour
acrid adj.
acid, acerbic, acrimonious, pungent, bitter, incisive, caustic
Latin. acri-: sharp, pungent
acrimonious adj.
acid, acrid, acerbic, bitter, caustic, pungent, spiteful, sacrastic
acrimony n.
caustic adj.
- sarcastic, acid, acrid, acerbic, acrimonious, bitter, pungent, spiteful
- corrosive 腐烂的
incisive adj.
Latin. incidere: cut into
vitriolic adj.
caustic, acerbic, acrid, acid, acrimonious, spiteful, incisive, pungent, scathing辛辣的,
vitriol n. bitter criticism
Latin. vitrum: glass
probity .
integrity, honesty
Latin. probus: good