List G Flashcards
euphonious adj.
Gk. phone: sound, euphonos: sweet-voiced
percussion n.
Latin. percutere: strike hard
percuss: 叩诊,轻敲
ratification n.
Latin. ratificare: make fixed
ratify vt. formally approve
decree n. vt.
n.法令 v.颁布
Latin. decernere: decide, pronounce a decision
provision n.
- legal clause stating condition
- supplying of sth.
Latin. foresight, preparation
legitimate adj.
- legal 2. complying with recognized rules
legality n.
conformity to law, 合法性
immunity n.
- exemption from prosecution; freedom from responsibiloty
2. resistance to disease
arbitration n.
Latin. arbiter: judge
delinquency n.
notary n.
solicitor n.
lawyer, attorney, counsel
solicit v. request,demand
solicitous adj. concerned焦虑的,avid渴望的
interrogatory adj. n.
adj. questionable
n. question
Latin. rogare: ask
prosecute vt.
accuse, charge, take legal action against sb.
deposition n.
ousting from office, ouster
disposition n. inclination
indictment n.
Latin. dicere: say
indict vt. accuse, charge
plaintiff n.
Fr. plaintif adj. sorrowful
plaint n. complaint诉苦
culprit n.
wrongdoer, offender
recidivist n.
Latin. recidere: fall back
cadere: fall
convict n. v.
n. 罪犯
vt. 证明有罪
convince vt. make certain, persuade
evict vt. impel, oust
acquittal n.
ant. conviction
acquit vt.
Latin. acquitare: bring to rest
quies: quite
verdict n.
judgement, decision
Latin. ver-: true dict: sayting
perjury n.
Latin. perjurare: swear falsely
larceny n.
robbery, theft
Latin. latro: thief
Old Fr: larcin
abduction n.
Latin. ducere: to lead
abducere: lead out
embezzle v.
misappropriate, defalcate
calumny n.
defamation, slander
outrageous adj.
- cruel, violate 2. morally shocking 3. excessive
n. v. outrage
ruffian adj. n.
adj. brutal
n. assaulter, aggressor
tyrannical adj.
atrocious, brutal, feroious
tyrant . absolute ruler
ferocity n.
barbarity, brutality
ferocious adj. ruthless, bloodthirsty
sanguinariness n.
Latin. sanguis: blood
sanguinary, sanguineous adj.
ruthless adj.
bashful adj.
shy, backward, timid
timotous adj.
Latin. timere: to fear
recreant adj. n.
craven n. adj. 怯懦,懦夫
Fr. recroire: surrender
Latin. credere: entrust
poltroonery n.
cowardice n.
poltroon n. coward
pavid adj.
craven, timorous, recreant
craven adj. n.
adj. n. recreant
n. poltroon
adj. pavid, timid, timorous
astute adj.
shrewd, canny, smart, intelligent
expeditious adj.
prompt敏捷的,speedy, efficient
nimble adj.
quick, smart, acute, agile, dexterous
tact n.
thoughtfulness, diplomacy
perspicacious adj.
wise, discerning
Latin. perspicere: look closely
canny adj.
- 谨慎的 prudent, cautious
- frugal, economical
uncanny adj. 不寻常的
crooked adj.
- twisted, dishonest
2. with bent shape 扭曲的
designing adj.
insidious adj.
阴险的 sinister
Latin. sedere: sit insidere: lie in wait
pawky adj.
sly, cunning
guile n.
deceit, craftiness,伪装
beguile vt. 欺骗,消遣
lubricity n.
fraudulent adj.
defraud vt.
fraud n.1.cheating 2. sb. who deceices
austerity n.
节俭 severity of discipline, policy, religious belief…
frugal adj.
thrifty, economical, meager
frugality n.
thrift n.
economy, frugality
spendthrift n.squanderer, prodigal挥霍者
retrench vt.
reduce, conserve, economize
abstemious adj.
abstinent, abstentions, stoical, thrifty
abstain v.
abstinence n.
Latin. abs-: away from temetum: intoxicating liquor
parsimonious adj.
- thrift, economical, stingy
- ungenerous
Latin. parcere: spare
compose v.
- constitute, make up
- calm sb.
composed adj. calm
composure n. calmness, self-control
meticulously adv.
carefully, scrupulously, precisely, painstaking
Latin. metus: fear
vigilant adj.
Latin. vigilare: keep awake,
vigil: alert, awake
indolent adj.
lazy, slothful
Latin. indolent: insensitive to pain
dolere: suffer pain
sloth n.
Latin. slo-: slow
slothful adj.
slug n. v.
n. 做事慢的人
v. 1. strike heavily 2. be idle, laze
sluggish adj. torpid, listless, lifeless
dowdy adj.
dressed plainly, unfashionable
drowsy adj. 欲睡的
drowse vi. 打瞌睡
floppy adj.
hanging limply-without rigidity
slouchy adj.
faineant n. adj.
Fr. faint-nient
caliber n.
quality, capacity, ability, talent
stamina n. 体力,精力
propensity n.
inclination, tendency
affable adj.
genial, benevolent
Latin. affabilis: easy to speak
fari: speak to
meek adj.
- mild柔和
- submissive, docile, tractable, lacking of initiate or will
Latin. docere: teach
tractable adj.
ductile, docile, teachale
clemency n.
Latin. clement-: gentle, mild
amiable adj.
affale, obliging, friendly
Fr. aimer
congenial adj.
agreeable, pleasing, compatible
rash adj.
鲁莽的 brash, bold, imprudent
discretion n.
caution 慎重
ant. indiscretion
discreet adj.
flippancy n.
levity (levi-: Latin. light in weight)轻率,浮躁
flippant adj. frivolous
frivolity n.
frivolous adj. flippant
impertinent adj.
- irrelevent
- brash, rash, rude
Latin. pertinere: to relate, concern
injudicious adj.
ant. judicious adj. wise, having sound judgement
flamboyant adj.
dazzling, showy浮华, 华丽
Latin. flamma: flame
improvident adj.
- wasteful, thriftless
- unforesightful, shortsighted
provident-: 前瞻性的
prodigal adj. n.
浪费的(人)extravagant, wasteful, lavish
Latin. predigus: wasteful
prodigere: drive away
prodigious adj. colossal
squander vt.
dissipate, waste
squanderer n.浪费的人
sumptuous adj.
luxurious, costly, splendid
Latin. sumere: spend
spendthrift n.
squanderer, prodigal
profiligate adj. n.挥霍(的人)
accomplished adj.
- experienced, talented
2. having social graces
adept adj. n.
adj. adroit, apt
n. expert
stunt n. vi.
n. 噱头feat, trick, done to gain attention
vi. check (the growth of sth.)
sleight n.
skill, dexiterity
acquisitive adj.
grasping, avaricious, greedy, covetous
avarice n.
greed, lust
Latin. avere: to desire
avaricious adj. greedy
avid adj.
greedy, keen, desirious
covetous adj.
desirous, avaricious, acquisitive