List C Flashcards
tertiary adj.
Latin. tertius: third
matriculate vt.
enroll, admit被录取
Latin. matricula: little list, womb(n. 子宫 v.容纳)
inculcate vt.
impress on sb.’s mind through repetition
inculpable adj. innocent
heuristic adj.
Gk. heuriskein: find
elicit vt.
provoke, induce, kindle, enkindle, evoke, arouse
Latin. elicere: draw out (by trickery)
elicitation n.引发
faculty n.
- ability 2. entire teaching stuff
didactic adj.
instructive, informative
Gk. didaskein: teach
denomination n.
- unit of value面值 2. name, designation
fiscal adj.
Latin. fiscus: purse(金库), treasury
inventory n. vt.
n. 1. stock of goods 2. list of items
aggregate vt. n.
n. sum vt. sum up, add up
Gk. gre-: flock
aggravate vt. 1. irritate, annoy 2. make sth. worse
imposing adj.
impressive, dignified
palpable adj.
tangible, perceptible
chaste adj,
pure, virtuous
Latin. castus: pure
impeccable adj.
faultless, stainless
Latin. peccare: to sin
virtuous adj.
chaste (esp. men), with moral integrity/goodness
unsullied adj.
sully vt. spoil, corrupt
immaculate adj.
faultless, clean
ant. maculate: taint, tarnish
macula n.太阳黑子
exorbitant adj.
excessive, unreasonable, immoderate
Latin. ex-: get out of orbitant: track (orbis: circle)
fervent adj.
Latin. fervere: to boil
grossly adv.
gross adj. overall, without deduction (含包装)
impetuous adj.
forceful, violent
Latin. impetus: assail
petere: seek
substantial adj.
- considerable, plentiful 2. sturdy, solidly built 3. important, critical
utterly adv.
completely, absolutely
vehemence n.
- passion 2. ferocity, intensity
Latin. vehement-: forceful, violent
vehement adj. passionate, ardent
gratuitous adj.
Latin. gratuitus: freely given
gratus: pleasing
eligible adj.
qualified, suitable
ant. ineligible adj. unqualified, unsuitabke
Latin. eligere: to choose
felicity n.
blessing, happiness
Latin. felix: happy
mascot n.
Fr. mascotte: little witch
boon n.
blessing, benefit
opulence n.
abundance, profusion
Latin. opulentus: producing much
opulent adj. profuse, prolific, ample, lavish
propitious adj.
favorable, kindly
propitius: favorable
sumptuous adj.
luxurious, splendid
Latin. sumptus: expense
sumere: spend
emere: take
carnage n.
massacre, slaughter
Latin. carn-: flesh
deluge n. vt.
n. cataclysm 洪水,大灾
vt. overwhelm, inundate
Latin. diluere: wash away