List I Flashcards
hydroponics n.
Gk. ponos: work 水栽培
inexplicable adj.
inscrutable ( scrutari: investigate), inexplicit (tacit, implied, underlying)
pathological adj.
pathologic, 反常,病变的
Gk. pathos: disease
pathology: 病理学
hominid n.
descent n.
- ancestry, origin, stemma(family tree)
2. decline
antecedent n.
precursor, ancestor, predecessor
precursor n.
- antecedent, predecessor, ancester
2. sign先兆
disparity n.
Latin. par: equal
coordinate adj. n. v.
n. 同等者,coordinates象限
adj. equal
v. co-ordinate
heterogeneous adj.
assorted, miscellaneous
ant. homogeneous
Gk. heteros: other genos: kind
peerless adj.
matchless, unparalleled
peer v. 偷看n. 同等者
content n. adj. v.
n. matter 内容
adj. satisfied
v. compete, rival
digress vi.
deviate, turn away, divert
Latin. gradus: step
digredi: step aside
extraneous adj.
irrelevant, unrelated, extrinsic, impertinent
impertinent adj.
unrelated, extraneous
ant. pertinent
Latin. tenere: hold pertinere: hold to
dissect vt.
Latin. secare: cut dissecare: cut apart
gauge vt. n.
vt. calculate
n. measurement, criterion
conjecture n.vt.
guess, suppose, anticipate(v.), presume (v.)
assumption n.
hypothesis, premise, presumption, supposition, presupposition
burnish vt.
smooth, smoothen, polish
glaze vt. n.
vt. burnish, polish 使光滑,上釉
n. 釉面(glass)
blaze n. flame
ablaze adj. gleaming, glowing
gleam v. n.
n. flash一闪
v. glimmer
impute vt.
ascribe, attribute, put down to
Latin. putare: reckon
imputare: bring into reckoning