List J Flashcards
kinematics n.
Gk. kinemat: motion
oscillation n.
Latin. oscillare: to swing
insulator n.
ant. conductor
Latin. insula: island
chafe v.
- rub, scrape 2. irritate, annoy
Old Fr. chaufer
Latin. celefacere: make warm
delivity n.
-: decline
Latin. clivus: slope
dilute vt.
weaken, thin
Latin. diluere: to wash away
distillation n.
distill vt.
Latin. stilla: drop
distillare: drip apart
thaw v.
melt, defrost, dissolve, unfreeze
hierarchy n.
formally ranked group
Gk. hiereus: sacred person
patriarchic adj.
patriarch n.
Gk. patriarkhes: head of a family
patria: family
corollary n. adj.
n. (destined) consequence
adj. following (as a consequence)
Latin. corollarium: money paid for a garland (flower wreath)
corolla: flower petals
corona :日冕
exude vt.
Latin. ex(s)udare: sudare: to sweat
exclude vt.排除
elude vt. 1. puzzle, 2.困惑
gush vi. n.
vi. effuse, pour, flow, spout
inundate vt.
drench, flood, overwhelm
Latin. unda: wave
infuse vt.
Latin. fundere: pour
infundere: pour in
imbue vt. penetrate, fill up, soak, permeate
instill vt. 灌入 stilla: drop
distill vt. 蒸馏
imbuse vt.
penetrate, permeate, fill up, soak
Latin. imbuere: moisten, stain
infuse v. pour in
Latin. fundere: pour
insolent adj.
haughty, arrogant, impudent
Latin. solere: be accustomed
insolent: unusual, arrogant
overbearing adj.
arrogant, haughty, domineering
overbear vt. overpower, surpass
presumptuous adj.
self-conceited, arrogant, domineering
Latin. presume: take forward, anticipate (sumere: take)
presumptive adj. probable, likely
conceited adj.
boastful, proud
conceit: n. v. 幻想,自负
conceive: devise, visualize
audacious adj.
- fearless, adventurous
- barefaced, unashamed, insolent
Latin. audere: to dare
deplore vt
grieve, mourn, bemoan, bewail, lament
Latin. plorare: wail (cry, yell, holler)
woe n.
woeful adj
bewail vt.
bemoan, deplore, lament
despondent adj.
despairing, hopeless
Latin. spondere: to promise
despondere: give up (vitality, hope)
dismal adj.
depressing, dreary
Latin. dies mali: unlucky days
dismay vt. 1.使惊愕 2. 使忧伤
vindictive adj.
avenging, revengeful
Latin. vindicta: revenge
callous adj.
insensitive, heartless
Latin. callus: hard skin
vex vt.
annoy, irritate
Fr. vexer
Latin. vexare: disturb
convex n.凸面镜
vexatious adj. annoying, causing trouble
nettlesome adj.
vexatious, annoying
nettle n.荨麻 v. irritate, displease
exasperate vt.
annoy, irritate, enrage
asperate adj. v. (使)粗糙
asperse vt. slander, smirch
grouchy adj.
bad-tempered, enraged
grouch: 抱怨(的人)
gauche adj. clumsy
incense vt. n.
vt. 1. annoy, exasperate, enrage
2. 焚香
n. 香,奉承
Latin. incensum: sth. burnt
indignant adj.
Latin. dignus: worthy
indignity n. humiliation
indignation n. anger (at unfairness)
vehement adj.
severe, furious, violent, forceful
furibund adj.
Latin. furia
fury n.
infuriate adj. agitated, enraged
infuriate adj.
agitated, enraged
wrath n.
anger, rage, fury
wreath n.花环 v. 环绕 wreathe
daze vt. n.
dazzle, confuse, confusion(使)昏
doze v. n. (打)瞌睡
famish vt.
Latin. fames: hunger
gorge n. v.
n. 山谷
v. 塞饱
ravenous adj.
- famished, starving 2. greedy, avaricious, grasping
sensuous adj.