List D Flashcards
compensate v.
pay sb. for work or loss
collateral adj. n.
Latin. collateralis: side by side with
lateralis: on the side
reimburse v.
imburse vt. put in purse(burse)
refund n. v.
n. repayment
v. repay
patronage n.
patron n. sponsor
commission n. v.
1. assignment, mission, delegation, deputation
2. committee
3. 佣金
v. assign task
ransom n. vt.
n. money for releasing captive
vt. 赎回
merge vt.
Latin. mergere: to plunge投入,dip蘸
classified adj.
confidential, restricted
armada n.
armament n. 兵力
diplomacy n.
- international relationship
2. skill, tact
rebuff vt.
- repel attack
2. reject回绝
insurrection n.
revolution, insurgence
Latin. insurgere: rise up
mutiny n. v.
n. insurrection, insurgence兵变,反抗
mutinous adj.
Latin. motus: move
immunity n.豁免权
fortress n.
Latin. fortis: strong
Old Fr. forteresse: strong place
beguile vt.
vt. deceive, cheat
vi. pass time
belie vt.
disguise, conceal, cover up
conspire vi.
intrigue, plot, scheme
Latin. spirare: breathe
con-: together
conspiracy n. plot
connive vi.
scheme, intrigue
connivance n.
deceptive adj.
deceitful, misleading
Latin: decep- = deceive
deception n. 欺骗,骗术
delude vt.
beguile, deceive, hoax哄骗
despoil vt.
plunder, rob
spoil vt. 1. harm, damage, impair 2. 溺爱
vi. become rotten, decay
extort vt.
obtain sth. by coercion
Latin. extorquere: twist out
torquere: twist
pilferage n.
theft, stealing, larceny
pilfer vt.
hoodwink vt.
deceive, beguile
assumption n.
- act of undertaking sth.
2. hypothesis, presumption, sth. taken for granted (believed to be true without proof)
appoint vt.
delegate, nominate
a point: to a point
audition n. v.
n. 听力,面试,试听
v. 面试,试听
audit n. v. 审计,旁听(美)
drudgery n.
toil, tedium苦差
drudge n. v.做苦差(的人)
vocation n.
profession, occupation (1. job 2. invasion占领)
trade n.
purvey vt.
Latin. providere
render vt.
- provide 2. deliver, express, perform 3. provoke
rend vt. tear, seperate
canopy n.v.
n. shelter
vt. cover
depot n. v.
n. 1. warehouse 2. (railroad, bus)station
vt. house, contain, conserve
deposit n.存款,保证金 v. 存放,沉淀
forge vt. n.
vt. fabricate, coin, counterfeit
n. 铁匠铺
overpass vt. n.
vt. 1. overlook 2. surpass
n. flyover, viaduct立交桥
devious adj.
- indirect, circuitous 2. unfair, untrusty, untrustworthy
Latin. devius: out of the way
via: way, road
precipitous adj.
- sheer, extremely steep 2.急躁的
precipice n.悬崖,绝境
precipitate vt. (使突然)发生,猛摔
strait n. adj.
n. difficult situation
adj. rigid, strict
strain n. 1. tension, stress 2. 血缘
quandary n.
perplexity, plight, predicament, deadlock, impasse, dilemma
impasse n.
dilemma, predicament, deadlock
Fr. im- + passer
predicament n.
- dilemma, plight, quandary
- category (logic)
prediction n.谓词
commend vt.
laud, praise, endorse, glorify, extol, exalt
deference n.
- respect, esteem, reverence, homage
- submission顺从
defer vt. 1 postpone 2. concede precedence, give way to
deferential adj. respectful
dignity n.
Latin. dignus: worthy
dignify vt. ennoble
dignified adj. noble, exalted
exalt vt.
- extol, laud, praise, glorify, commend
- promote
Latin. exaltare: put up high
altus: high
exalted adj. noble
extol vt.
exalt, glorify, proclaim
Latin. extollere: raise up
tollere: raise
homage n.
respect, esteem, reverence, deference
laud vt.
compliment, praise, commend, glorify
Latin. laudere: to praise
laudable adj.
notorious adj.
disreputable, infamous
Latin. notus: know
obscure adj. vt.
adj. 1. unknown 2. dim晦涩的
vt. darken, hide, cloud
reverence n.
respect, deference, esteem, homage
ant. irreverence
revere vt. respect, worship
Latin. vereri: be in awe of