Life Orientation term 2 Flashcards
what is the SQ3R Method
self awareness
- what you know about yourself
- you know about your own strengths and weaknesses
self esteem
how you feel about yourself
how you feel about what you know about yourself
how you feel about your strengths and weaknesses
what is good self esteem
close to your perceived self
what is bad self esteem
far away from your perceived self
what is the term uniqueness
defined by what makes a person special or different
what boosts self confidence
setting and achieving goals
making good decisions
define Gender
refers to the socially constructed characteristics of men and women
roles and relationships between groups of men and women
power over
assumes superiority
uses threat and force
power with
uses co-operation
subordination (think sub)
put into a lesser status or lower postion
strong position of over powering others
human rights violation
denying, abusing or taking away a persons basic human rights
what is gender based violence
verbal or physical abuse
sexual assault
rape and marital rape
what does the bill of rights do
protects us and grants us rights
define bias
tendancy to lean towards one way of thinking
define prejudice
refers to an opinion or feeling towards a person based on their affiliation within a group