LEWIS: Oxygen Consumption Flashcards
Oxygen consumption is the
amount of oxygen used by the body to produce ATP
Begin to exercise we need more ATP and therefore use more oxygen so our
oxygen consumption increases
VO2 max is the
maximum amount of oxygen consumed and utilised by the body per minute
When the amount of oxygen consumed is lower than the amount actually required there is an
oxygen deficit
Oxygen deficit is when
insufficient oxygen is available at the start of exercise to provide all the ATP needed aerobically
Exercise = more oxygen consumed than at rest in order to supply mitochondria in muscle fibres so that they can manufacture ATP aerobically, if the level of exercise intensity increase, so does the level of oxygen uptake. This relationship continues, until during extreme exercise, we reach a level of
maximum oxygen consumption
Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) is used to refer to the
maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can consume and utilise per minute during strenuous exercise
Oxygen consumption depends on many factors, such as:
percentage body fat
VO2 max is usually regarded as an accurate indication of the athlete’s stamina as it estimates directly how much oxygen the athlete has available for
ATP resynthesis
VO2 max is linked to
OBLA/Lactate threshold
OBLA gives an indication of
endurance capacity
OBLA is expressed as a
percentage of VO2 max
Average untrained person will work at about what percentage of their VO2 max before OBLA occurs?
Trained endurance performer will work at about what percentage of their VO2 max before OBLA occurs?
Lactate is produced when hydrogen is removed from the
lactic acid molecule
OBLA is the
point at which lactate starts to rapidly accumulate in the blood
At rest lactic acid in the blood is
During intense exercise the lactic acid in blood is
If the level of exercise is submaximal the oxygen consumption reaches a
steady state
steady state is the period of exercise when oxygen consumption matches
the amount needed by the body to produce the ATP required for that level of exercise
Oxygen consumption is measured by subtracting the volume of oxygen expired during a period of time from the
volume of oxygen inspired during the same time period
A direct method of VO2 max measurement is:
Treadmill run/cycle ergometer workload is increased every 2-3 minutes
- Oxygen consumption will rise during each stage
- Runner unable to continue owing to exhaustion = reached their aerobic capacity
- Amount of oxygen being consumed in these final few seconds of exercise is then measured to give a VO2 max value
Factors affecting VO2 max:
Gender affects VO2 max:
-Male bigger (70mlkg-1min-1) than female [20% lower VO2 max] (60mlkg-1min-1)
VO2 max is lower in females than males, as females have a:
- Smaller left ventricle, smaller stroke volume
- Lower maximum cardiac output
- Lower blood volume, resulting in lower haemoglobin levels
- Lower tidal and ventilatory volumes
Age affects VO2 max as:
- max HR drops (5-7 bpm per decade)
- increase in peripheral resistance results in a decrease in maximal stroke volume
- blood pressure increases both at rest and during exercise
- Less air is exchanged in the lungs due to a decline in vital capacity and an increase in residual air
Lifestyle affects VO2 max due to
- smoking
- sedentary lifestyle
- poor diet
- body fat percentage
VO2 max can be improved by up to what percentage following a period of aerobic training (continuous, fartlek, aerobic interval)
19 physiological adaptations following aerobic training, which improve VO2 max, are:
1-increased max cardiac output
2-increased stroke volume/ejection fraction/cardiac hypertrophy
3-greater HR range
4-less oxygen being used for heart muscles, more available for other muscles
5-increased A-VO2 diff
6-increased blood volume and haemoglobin count
7-increased glycogen and triglyceride stores
8-increased myoglobin content
9-increased capilliarisation (lungs and muscles)
10-increased number and size of mitochondria
11-increased concentrations of oxidative enzyme
12-increased lactate tolerance
13-reduced body fat
14-slow twitch hypertrophy
15-increased venous return
16-bradycardia (reduction in resting HR)
17-decrease in lactic acid accumulation
18-increased enzyme efficiency
19-improved transfer of oxygen to mitochondria via myoglobin
Body fat percentage/composition affects VO2 max as:
VO2 max decreases as body fat percentage increases
Causes of fatigue depend upon
intensity and duration of the activity
7 causes of fatigue:
1-glycogen depletion 2-lactic acid build up 3-reduced rate of ATP synthesis 4-dehydration 5-reduced levels of calcium 6-reduced levels of acetylcholine 7-thermoregulation
Glycogen depletion causes fatigue and is known as ‘hitting the wall’ as the body tries to
metabolise fat, but is unable to use this as a fuel on its own
Lactic acid build up causes fatigue as it releases hydrogen ions which cause an
increase in acidity in the blood plasma - inhibits enzyme action and therefore the breakdown of glucose
irritates nerve endings causing pain
Reduced rate of ATP synthesis causes fatigue as when ATP and PC stores are depleted there is insufficient ATP to sustain
muscular contractions
Dehydration causes fatigue as it can have an effect on blood flow to the working muscles and results in a loss of electrolytes, such as calcium, which help with muscular contractions. As a result of dehydration:
- Blood viscosity increase
- Blood pressure decreases
- Reduction in sweating to prevent further water loss, in turn causes increase in body temperature
- Performer unable to meet the demands of the activity
Reduced levels of calcium are caused by an increase in hydrogen ions (due to acid build up), as a result calcium ions arent released for
muscle contractions
Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that can help a nerve impulse to jump the synaptic cleft and initiate muscle contraction. Reduced levels of acetylcholine means that
muscles become fatigued
(Thermoregulation) heat is generated during exercise in the body as a result of all the
metabolic processes that occur to produce energy
(Thermoregulation) long-disrance runners sometimes experience difficulty with temperature regulation. The heat produced through muscle contraction raises the core body temperature, which causes the
blood viscosity to increase and metabolic processes to slow down - performer is unable to sweat efficiently and dehydration occurs
(Thermoregulation) the thermoregulatory centre in the medulla oblongata controls temperature. Heat is transported to the surface of the skin by the blood and the vessels vasodilate, enabling
heat to be lost through radiation, convection or evaporation of sweat
(Thermoregulation) Body is dehydrated, total blood volume decreases, more blood is redirected to the skin (to aid cooling) so the amount of blood and therefore oxygen available to the working muscles is reduced and this affects performance. In hot conditions this situation is worsened so it is important to acclimatise, enabling the body to modify the control systems that
regulate blood flow to the skin and sweating
Energy continuum refers to the continual movement from one energy system to another depending on the
intensity and duration of the exercise
(ENERGY CONTINUUM) the ATP-PC/lactic acid threshold is the point at which the
ATP-PC energy system is exhausted and the lactic acid system takes over.
(ENERGY CONTINUUM) the lactic acid/aerobic threshold is the point at which the
lactic acid system is exhausted and the aerobic system takes over
(ENERGY CONTINUUM) Thresholds are ‘zone’ of one of the energy
(ENERGY CONTINUUM) When reaching a threshold a particular energy pathway is no longer able to sustain energy production at the level required and an additional energy pathway will begin to play a more
significant role
OBLA is the point where the aerobic energy system cannot supply the energy quick enough and the body has to switch to its
anaerobic processes
OBLA is expressed via VO2 max
Untrained =
Trained =
Fatigue can be described as the inability of a muscle to maintain contractile force as a result of
repeated contractions
OBLA can also occur because the anaerobic lactate energy system produces more lactic acid than can be dealt with and the acid starts to accumulate in the
muscles and blood
The switch from a predominantly aerobic supply of energy for resynthesising ATP to anaerobic lactate methods happens because we have
insufficient oxygen in the mitochondria to combine with the hydrogen being released as a result of glucose breakdown
The lactate threshold varies for each individual and reflects their ability to
get oxygen into their mitochondria or the performer’s VO2 max
A exercise intensity increases, oxygen consumption increases until a maximum level is reached, known as the
VO2 max
The percentage of your VO2 max that is used befroe you cross the lactate threshold is another determining factor for fatigue as it refers to the
highest rate of work that can be sustained for 20-40 minutes without becoming fatigued
Being able to use a higher percentage of your VO2 max (Fractional percentage of oxygen consumption) will raise the
aerobic/anaerobic threshold
Untrained will be accumulating lactic acid at a much lower
percentage of VO2 max than trained
Lactate tolerance refers to how well the body can withstand the effects of the accumulation of lactic acid in the
muscles and bloodstream and is related to the amounts of bicarbonates within the blood and other bodily fluids
(LACTATE TOLERANCE) hydrogen ions that are not combined with oxygen and lactic acid can be combined with bicarbonates which render them
less acidic
(LACTATE TOLERANCE) Bicarbonates draw the hydrogen ions and the lactic acid from the muscle cells into the blood, possibly reducing the effects of