LEWIS: Mechanics Of Movement Flashcards
Linear motion is
A motion in a straight or curved line with all body parts moving the same distance at the same speed in the same direction
Linear motion is measured in 10 ways
Scalar quantities are described in terms of
Scalar measurements:
Vector quantities are described in terms of
size and direction
Vector measurements are
Weight Acceleration Deceleration Displacement Velocity Momentum
Mass is
Body tissue
Weight is the
Force on a given mass due to gravity
Distance and displacement are used to describe a
Body’s motion
Inertia is the resistance
An object has to a change in its state of motion
Newton’s 1st law
Bigger the mass the larger the inertia needed
Distance is the length of the path a body follows when
Moving to a point
E.g. 400m rubber
Displacement is the length of a straight line joining the
Start and finish points
E.g. 200m race on the track
Speed is the rate of change of
Equation for speed =
Equation for velocity =
Velocity is the rate of change of position with reference to
Acceleration and deceleration are the rate of change in
Acceleration =
Velocity increases
Deceleration =
Velocity decreases
Acceleration and deceleration =
Acceleration =
change in velocity (ms-1) / time (s)
Change in velocity =
final velocity - initial velocity
Momentum is the product of
mass and velocity of an object
Momentum (kg/m/s-1) is calculated using:
mass (kg) x velocity (m/s-1)
Momentum =
vector as it has magnitude and direction
Momentum is a closed system, which means total momentum is conserved. So when 2 objects collide the total momentum stays…
the same
forces can be either :
internal or external
internal forces are generated through the contraction of
skeletal muscles
external forces come from outside the body, e.g.
air resistance and friction
2 factors affect a generated force:
size (dependent on the size and number of muscle fibres used)
direction (force applied through the middle = move in same direction as force)
Applying a force straight through the centre =
linear motion
Applying a force off-centre results in spin =
angular momentum
force =
mass x acceleration
vertical forces:
horizontal forces:
air resistance
(VF) weight is a
gravitational force that the Earth exerts on a body pulling it downwards
(VF) reaction occurs whenever
2 bodies are in contact with one another (Newton’s 3rd law)
(HF) Friction occurs whenever there are 2 bodies in contact with each other that try to move over one another. It acts in opposition to motion and resists the sliding/slipping motion of
2 surfaces
(HF) Air resistance opposes the motion of a body travelling through the
Air resistance depends on the:
- velocity of the moving body (greater velocity = greater resistance)
- cross-sectional area of the moving body (larger cross-section=greater air resistance)
- shape and surface characteristics of the moving body (streamlined = less resistance)
FREE BODY DIAGRAMS: (VF) Weight is always drawn
down from the centre of mass
FREE BODY DIAGRAMS: (VF) Reaction starts from where 2 bodies are in
contact with one another, e.g. foot to floor or sports equipment and a ball
FREE BODY DIAGRAMS: (HF) Friction starts from where 2 bodies are in contact and is opposite to the direction of any
potential slipping (usually drawn in the same direction as motion)
FREE BODY DIAGRAMS: (HF) Air resistance is drawn from the
centre of mass and opposes the direction of motion of the body
Net force is the resultant force acting on a body when all other forces have bee
Net force is often discussed in terms of
balanced versus unbalanced forces
Balanced force is when there are 2 or more factors acting on a body that are
equal in size but opposite in direction
Balanced force = 0 net force and no change in motion so is directly related to
Newton’s first law
Unbalanced is when a force acting in one direction on a body is
larger than the force acting in the opposite direction
Impulse is the product of the
average size of the force acting on a body and the time for which that force is applied
Impulse (Ns) is calculated as:
force x time
The longer the contact the
greater the impulse
impulse can be used to add speed to a body or object. Speeding up a body or object can be achieved by increasing the amount of
muscular force that is applied
Example of greater force due to impulse =
push pass
Speeding up of an object can be achieved by increasing the amount of time for which the force is
Impulse is represented by a
force-time graph
Positive impulse occurs for
acceleration at take off
Negative impulse occurs when foot lands to provide a
braking action
start of 100m race - the net impulse is positive, which results in
middle of 100m race - the net impulse is equal which results in no acceleration or deceleration, so the sprinter is running at a
constant velocity
end of 100m race - the net impulse is negative, which results in
projectile motion refers to the motion of either an object or the human body being ‘projected’ into the air at an
3 factors that determine horizontal distance that a projectile can travel:
angle of release
height of release
velocity of release
(Angle of release) to achieve maximum horizontal distance, the angle of release of the projectile is important. The optimum angle of release is dependent upon release height and landing height. When both are equal the optimum angle =
45 degrees
(Angle of release) if release height = greater than the landing height, then the optimum angle of release is less than
45 degrees = shot putter
(Angle of release) if release height = lower than landing then the optimum angle is greater than
45 degrees = basketball set/jump shot
(Velocity of release) the greater the release velocity of a projectile, the greater the
horizontal distance travelled, e.g. throwing events (javelin/hammer)
(height of release) a greater release height results in an increase in
horizontal distance, e.g. taller = further
Projectiles are affected by
air resistance
projectiles with a large weight = small air resistance and follow a
parabolic pathway
projectiles with a lighter mass (shuttlecock) are affected by air resistance and this causes them to deviate from
parabolic pathway
During parabolic pathway:
horizontal component remains:
the same throughout (point of release, highest point, point immediately before landing)
(PP) Vertical component
Point of release:
Highest point of flight:
Point immediately before landing:
none (weight and reaction force equaled)
larger due to gravity
Angular motion is the movement around a
fixed point or axis = somersault
Angular motion occurs when a force is applied outside the
centre of mass
3 axes of rotation:
transverse = horizontal across body (somersault) frontal = front to back (cartwheel) longitudinal = top to bottom (spinning ice skater)
angular momentum depends on the
moment of inertia
angular velocity
Torque (moment) is a rotational force. It causes an object to turnabout its axis of rotation. Movement of a force or torque can be calculated as:
force(N) x perpendicular distance from axis of rotation (m)
Angular distance is the angle rotated about an axis when moving from one position to
Angular acceleration is the rate of change of velocity during
angular movement
angular velocity is the rate of movement in
angular displacement is the amount of rotation of a point, line/body in a specified direction about an
angular momentum is conserved unless an external torque acts upon it.
Angular momentum =
angular velocity x moment of inertia
Newton’s first law (law of inertia): a body will continue in its state of rest or motion in a straight line, unless
external forces are exerted upon it
NFL/LOI example = point in race where the runner has reached a
Sprinter will remain in set position until force is applied to
constant velocity (80-90m in 100m)
change their state
Newton’s second law (law of acceleration): the rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to the force causing it and the change that takes place in the direction in which the force
force =
mass x acceleration
NSL/LOA example = force applied to ball, acceleration is proportional to the size of the force - the harder the ball is kicked, the
sprinter = greater force (muscular) applied to blocks =
further and faster it will go
greater acceleration
Newton’s third law (law of reaction): to every action there is an equal and opposite
NTL/LOR example = footballer jumps up to win a header, a force is exerted on the ground in order to gain height. At the same time, the ground exerts an upward force (equal and opposite) upon the
NFL on angular motion: a rotating body will continue in its state of angular motion unless an
external force (torque) is exerted upon it
NSL on angular motion: the rate of change of angular momentum of a body is proportional to the force causing it and the change that takes place in that direction. I.e. leaning forwards will create
more angular momentum than standing straight
NTL on angular motion: when a force is applied by one body to another, the second body will exert an equal and opposite force on the other body. I.e. when in a dive, when changing position from a tight tuck to a
layout position
inertia = resistance to change in motion
Moment of inertia (MOI) is therefore resistance of a body to
angular motion
The greater the mass of a body/object, the greater the resistance to change and therefore the greater the
moment of inertia
The closer the mass is to the axis of rotation the easier it is to turn so MOI is
low, e.g. tuck
increasing the distance of the distribution of mass from the axis of rotation will increase the
moment of inertia, e.g. pike/straight
angular momentum =
angular velocity x moment of inertia
angular momentum is
speed of a spin depends on
MOI and angular velocity
(Spin) increase in MOI =
decrease in AV (vice versa)
Ground reaction force =
the equal and opposite force given to a performer who exerts a muscular force into the ground (NTL)