(Lesson 5) Axial Skeleton Flashcards
Axial Skeleton
body axis composed of the skull, thoracic cage, and vertebral column.
Frontal Bone
Major bone of the forehead
Supraorbital Margin
Superior ridge of the eye socket
Superciliary arch
The ridge above the eye socket indicating the location of the frontal sinuses
The smooth, triangular part of the frontal bone found midline directly above the nasal bones connecting the superciliary arches
Frontal Sinus
Cavity within the frontal bone
Parietal Bone
Large paired bone located in the superior portion of the skull
coronal suture
runs laterally joining the frontal and parietal bones
Sagittal suture
runs anterioposteriorally joining the two parietal bones.
Temporal Bone
paired bone located on the lateral sides of the skull
Squamos suture
runs anteioposteriorally joining the temporal and parietal bones.
Mandibular fossa of Temporal bone
Articulates with the condyloid process of the mandible.
External auditory meatus
opening in the temporal bone extending to the inner ear.
Internal Auditory Meatus
short canal in petrous part of the temporal bone, extending laterally towards the ear. Site of nerve entrance.
Petrous Part
Dense bony ridge on interior surface of temporal bone, location of middle and inner ear cavities.
Styloid Process
Long sharp process of the temporal bone extending inferiorly.
Mastoid Process
Rounded process of the temporal bone slightly posterior and inferior to the external auditory meatus.
Stylomastoid Foramen
located between the styloid and mastoid processes. Passageway for facial nerve.
Carotid Canal
located on petrous part of the temporal bone anterior to the jugular foramen.
Jugular Foramen
Located on inferior, petrous part of the temporal bone posterior to the Carotid Canal
Zygomatic Process
Arch of bone extending anteriorly from the temporal bone.
Zygomatic Bone
Paired bone which participates with the zygomatic process. Cheek bone.
Zygomatic Arch
formed by union of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of the temporal bone.
Occipital bone
most posterior and inferior bone of the skull.
Lambdoid Suture
runs transversely joining the occipital and parietal bones.
sutural bone
irregular bone within a cranial suture.
External occipital protuberance
median protrusion on occipital bone superior to foramen magnum.
Superior Nuchal Line
Runs horizontally from external occipital protuberance.
Foramen Magnum
Large opening on the inferior part of the skull.
Occipital Condyle
Paired rounded process lateral to the foramen magnum.
Hypoglossal canal
paired canal anterior to occipital condyle.
Basilar part
bone anterior to foramen magnum joining occipital and sphenoid bones.
Sphenoid bone
Butterfly shaped bone forming the floor of the cranium.
Greater Wing
posterior and inferior to lesser wing on the interior of the sphenoid.
Lesser wing
Anterior and Superior to greater wing on the interior of the sphenoid.
Superior Orbital Fissure
Fissure between greater and lesser wings of sphenoid visible from the orbits.
Inferior Orbital Fissure
Fissure in the orbit floor between maxilla and greater wing of the sphenoid.
Sella Turcica
Saddle-like depression posterior to lesser wing.
Sphenoid Sinus
Paired cavity located within the sphenoid, inferior to the sella turcica.
Lateral Pterygoid Plate
Sharp process that laterally and inferiorly projects from the sphenoid.
Medial Pterygoid Plate
Sharp process that laterally and inferiorly projects from the Sphenoid.
Optic Canal
Paired opening through lesser wing of the sphenoid
Foramen lacerum
paired opening posterior to the sella turcica.
Foramen Ovale
Paired opening lateral to the base of the sella turcica
Foramen Spinosum
paired opening at the posterior margin of the Sphenoid.
Ethmoid Bone
Located between the orbits and between sphenoid and nasal bones. Forms roof of nasal cavity.
crista galli
superior projection in the middle of the cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone.
Cribiform plate
porous bone surrounding the crista galli in the floor of the cranium through which olfactory nerves transverse.
Ethmoid sinuses
Numerous cavities within the ethmoid bone.
Perpendicular plate
Median inferior projection of the ethmoid; forms superior nasal septum.
Bone forming the inferior and posterior portion of the nasal septum.
Inferior Nasal Concha
bone that protrudes into the inferior part of the nasal cavity. AKA Inferior turbinate bone.
Palatine bone
Posterior portion of the hard palate associated with maxilla.
paired fused bone of the upper jaw and central face
Palatine process
anterior portion of the hard palate. Maxilla.
Infraorbital foramen
Paired opening inferior to the orbit. Maxilla.
Maxillary Sinus
paired cavity found within the maxilla.
Hard Palate
Bony portion of the roof of the mouth. Includes palatine bone and palatine process of the maxilla bone.
Lacrimal bone
Paired bone forming part of the medial wall of the orbit.
Nasolacrimal Canal
opening in the lacrimal bone.
Nasal Bone
paired bone composing the superior portion (bridge) of nose.
Lower Jaw bone
Body of mandible
most anterior part extending horizontally to the angle of the mandible
Angle of Mandible
where the bodt and the ramus of mandible meet
coronoid process
anterior process of the ramus. Crown.
Condylar Process
the most posterior process of the ramus which contributes to the temporomandibular joint
the vertical portion of the mandible extending from the angle. Branch.
Mandibular Notch
separates the coronoid from the condylar process of the ramus.
Mandibular foramen
paired opening on the medial surface of the ramus.
mental foramen
paired opening on the anterior aspect of the body.
Mental Protuberance
depression in the chin indicating fusion of the to mandibular bodies.
socket lined with connective tissue in which a tooth is fastened.
U-Shaped bone located in the neck, superior to the larynx.
Intervertebral Disc
Fibrocartilage cushion between the vertebral bodies.
basic bone unit of the vertebral column
Body of vertebra
Anterior portion of vertebra
pedicle of vertebra
posterior projection to vertebral body that supports the lamina
transverse process of vertebra
lateral projections of the vertebra for muscle/ligament attachment
lamina of vertebra
paired arches supported by the pedicles located posterior to the body.
spinous process of vertebra
most posterior projection of the vertebra for muscle/ligament attachment
vertebral foramen
opening in vertebral body through which the spinal cord extends
articular process of vertebra
paired (superior and inferior) process which articulates with the process of adjacent vertebra
articular facet of vertebra
smooth surface of articular process.
Cervical vertebrae
7 total. C1-C7. Smallest of vertebrae.
Transverse foramen of cervical vertebrae
paired opening on the transverse process.
C1. Supports head.
C2. serves as a pivotal point for atlas and skull.
Odontoid process.
Dens. Process of the axis which passes through the vertebral foramen.
Thoracic Vertebrae
12 total. T1-T12. Vertebrae with circular vertebral foramen and long spinous process.
Costal Facet of thoracic vertebra
depression on transverse process which articulates with the ribs.
Costal demifacet of thoracic vertebra
half facet on superior and inferior edges of each side of vertebral body. Articulates with head of the ribs.
Lumbar Vertebrae
5 total. L1-L5. Vertebrae with strongly built components for wait bearing.
S1-S5. Composed of 5 fused vertebrae forming posterior wall of pelvis.
Articular surface of Sacrum
lateral part that articulates with the os coxa through the sacroiliac joint of pelvis.
Median (middle) sacral crest
fused posterior spinous processes of the sacral vertebrae.
Posterior sacral foramina
opening on the posterior side of the sacrum.
Anterior sacral foramina
openings on the anterior side of the sacrum.
4 fused vertebrae forming the triangular tailbone.
Anterior midline anchor to the ribs. Composed of three bones. Breastbone.
superior portion of the sternum that articulates with the clavicle at it’s clavicular notch.
Jugular (Suprasternal) notch
an important anatomical landmark located in the superior portion of the manubrium.
Body of sternum
middle portion of the sternum that articulates with T2-T7 rib cartilage
Costal notch
paired site on the sternum for attachment of costal cartilage
xiphoid process
small inferior portion of the sternum
Costal Cartilage
connective tissue that connects the ribs to the sternum
costovertebral angle
angle formed posteriorly by last floating rib and vertebral column inferior to it.
12 pair. attached to T1-T12 thoracic vertebrae
True Ribs
attached posteriorly to T1-T7 vertebrae and anteriorly to the sternum via costal cartilage
False ribs
attached posteriorly to vertebrae T8-T10. They are not directly attached to the sternum.
Floating ribs
false ribs attached posteriorly to T11-T12 but do not attach to sternum.
head of rib
rounded part of rib which articulates with the thoracic vertebrae via two costal demifacets.
neck of rib
region of rib between the head and tubercle.
tubercle of rib
prominence near the neck of the rib which articulates with vertebral transverse process on costal facet of thoracic vertebrae
angle of rib
the curved portion of rib.
shaft of rib
elongated part of the rib associated anteriorly with costal cartilage
costal groove
a groove on the inferior side of the rib shaft.
Bones that make up orbit of eye
Frontal, Ethmoid, Sphenoid, Lacrimal, Zygomatic, Maxilla, PALATINE (orbital process of palatine)