Lesson 4 - Integ System Book Flashcards
contributes to homeostasis by protecting the body and helping regulate body temperature. It also allows you to sense pleasurable, painful, and other stimuli in your external environment.
The integumentary system
Why is it so difficult to save the life of someone with extensive third-degree burns ?
Because of the following,
- infection risk
- fluid loss
- thermoregulation
- organ damage
- pain management
- nutritional support
- long term care
Functions of the Integumentary System (6)
- Regulates body temperature
- stores blood
- protects body from external environment
- detects cutaneous sensations
- excretes and absorbs substances
- synthesizes9 vitamin D
serves as a storage depot for fat and contains large blood vessels that supply the skin
Subcutaneous layer
Contains nerve endings
Lamellated corpuscles
contains keratinocytes, melanocytes, intraepidermal macrophages, and tactile epithelial
90% of epidermal cells
Keratinocytes are arranged in ___ to ____ layers and produce the protein keratin
4 to 5 layers
About 8% of the epidermal cells are what?
arise from red bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis
Intraepidermal macrophages or Langerhans cells
White blood cells / immunity
Intraepidermal macrophages or Langerhans cells
Detect touch sensations
Tactile Epithelial Cells
Exposure to friction is greatest (skin)
Thick Skin
Covers all body regions except the palms, palmar surfaces of digits, and soles
Thin Skin
- Stratum basale
- Stratum spinosum
- Stratum granulosum
- (Thin) Stratum corneum
Thin Skin
- Stratum basale
- Stratum spinosum
- Stratum granulosum
- Stratum lucidum
- (Thick) Stratum corneum
Thick Skin
Epidermal ridges present due to well developed and more numerous dermal papillae organized in parallel rows
Thick Skin
Epidermal ridges Lacking due to poorly developed, fewer and less well organized dermal papillae
Thin Skin
Hair follicles and arrector pili muscles are Absent
Thick Skin
Sebaceous glands are present (skin)
Thin Skin
Sensory receptors are sparser
Thin Skin
Deepest layer composed of single row of cuboidal or columnar keratinocytes that contain scattered keratin intermediate filaments (tonofilaments)
8 to 10 rows of many sided keratinocytes with bundles of keratin intermediate filaments
Three to five rows of flattened keratinocytes, in which organelles are beginning to degenerate
Present only in skin of fingertips, palms and soles
Few to 50 or more rows of dead, flat keratinocytes
Stratum: stem cells undergo cell division to produce new keratinocytes; melanocytes and tactile epithelial cells associated with tactile discs are scattered among keratinocytess
Stratum: contains projections of melanocytes and intraepidermal macrophages
Stratum: cells contain the protein keratohyalin and lamellar granules
Stratum: consists of four to six rows of clear, flat, dead keratinocytes with large amounts of keratin
Can Love Get So Bony
- Corneum
- Lucidum
- Granulosum
- Spinosum
- Basale
Newly formed cells in the stratum basale are slowly pushed to the surface where, as the cells move from one epidermal layer, they accumulate more and more keratin
From _______________ to _______________ to ______________
Keratinization to Apoptosis to slough off
Duration: _____ to ______ weeks in an average epidermis of .1mm from keratinization to apoptosis to slough off
4 to 6 weeks
Excessive keratinized cells shed from the skin of the scalp
Dead Keratin Layers Is Located In which Stratum ?
Stratum Corneum
Lamellar Granule Is Located In which Stratum ?
Stratum Lucidum
Desmosome, Langerhans cell and Keratinocyte Is Located In which Stratum ?
Stratum Spinosum
Melanocyte Is Located In which Stratum ?
Stratum Basale
A common and chronic skin disorder in which keratinocytes divide and move more quickly than normal from the stratum basale to the stratum corneum
Thickening of Corneuom
- Composed of connective tissue containing collagen and elastic fibers
- Blood vessels, nerves, glands, and hair follicles
What Region?
- Dermal papillae
- Corpuscles of touch or Meissner corpuscles
- Free nerve endings
Papillary Region
What Region?
- Contains bundles of thick collagen fibers, scattered fibroblasts, and various wandering cells
- Some adipose cells & along with some coarse elastic fibers
- Extensibility & Elasticity
Reticular Region
What Region?
Deeper Portion of dermis consists of dense irregular connective tissue with bundles of thick collagen and some coarse elastic fibers. Space between fibers contain some adipose cells, hair follicles, nerve, sebaceous glands, and sudoriferous glands.
Reticular Region