Lesson 4 Grammar Flashcards
When telling the time, place the number before the counter.
X o’clock/ X minutes
It is 09:30 right now.
~ます form overview
Long form verb conjugation for polite speech. Only irregular verbs are する and くる (and those which use these as endings i.e べんきゅうする).
~ます form present/future positive
U-verbs: remove final -u and add -iます
Ru-verbs: remove final -ru and add -ます
~ます form present/future negative
U-verbs: remove final -u and add -iません
Ru-verbs: remove final -ru and add -ません
~ます form past positive
U-verbs: remove final -u and add -iました
Ru-verbs: remove final -ru and add -ました
~ます form past negative
U-verbs: remove final -u and add -iませんでした
Ru-verbs: remove final -ru and add -ませんでした
timeに verb
The particle に follows any numerical value of time and day of the week in a sentence before a verb to indicate when something happened.
The particle is not used with any other example of time e.g 今日 except optionally with parts of the day such as 朝.
Every day, I wake up at half past seven am.
On Monday, I bought food.
Xから Yまで
から (from) and まで (to) are used to indicate the starting and finishing time or place. They are not always used together. Note: both words replace the particle に.
This university is open from nine till six.
The particle と can be used to connect any two nouns like the word “and”.
It can be used to show that two or more people are doing an activity together if the nouns are names.
It cannot connect verbs or adjectives.
Justin and Edward went to the pub.
The particle ね can be added onto the end of a sentence for emphasis.