Lesson 13 Flashcards
Five principal modes of transmission of pathogen
Infectious disease transmitted from person to person
Communicable disease
They constantly strive to prevent epidemics and to identify and eliminate any that do occur
Public health agencies
A specialized agency of the United Nations, founded in 1948
Its mission is to promote technical cooperation for health among nations, carry out programs to control and eradicate diseases, and improve the quality of human life
Guinea worm infection
River blindness
Responsible for controlling the introduction and spread of infectious diseases
CDC / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
In times of war, the use of microorganisms is called
Biological warfare
These people are referred to as biological terrorist, and the specific pathogen they use
Bioterrorism agents
Four pathogens that are potential biowarfare and bioterrorism agents
B. Anthracis
C. Botulinum
V. Major
Y. Pestis
It is caused by B. Anthracis
A spore forming, gram positive bacillus
B. Anthracis
Three forms of anthrax
Cutaneous A.
Inhalation A.
Gastrointestinal A.
What anthrax is the most severe
Inhalation Anthrax
Ranks the most severe to not severe anthrax
A fatal microbial intoxication, caused by botulinal toxin, a neurotoxin caused by C. Botulinum
A neurotoxin caused by C. Botulinum
Botulinal toxin
A serious, contagious, and sometimes fatal viral disease
It is caused by Y. Pestis
A zoonosis and is usually transmitted to humans by fles bit
Plague can manifest itself in several ways;
Bubonic plague
Respiratory plague
Septicemic plague
Plague that is highly communicable, involves the lungs
Pneumonic Plague
Plague that may cause septic shock, meningitis, or death
Septicemic Plague
Plague mamed for the swollen, inflamed, and tender lymph nodes
Bubonic plague
What category are the etiologic agents of anthrax, botulism, small pox, and plague
Category A
Pose the greatest possible threat for a bad effect on public health
Category A agents
May spread acrooss a large area and need great deal of planning
Category A agents
A moderate to high protential for large scale dessimination
Category B agents
Currently not believed to present a high bioterrorism risk to, future threats
Category C
Sanitation Code of the Phillipines
PD 856
The Philippine Act of 2004
Republic Act No. 9275
Aims to protect the country’s water bodies from pollution from land-based sources
RA 9275
Water is considered potable (safe to drink) of it contains
1 coliforms or less 100 ml of water
It contains mainly water, faecal materials, garbage and bacteria from the drains of houses and other buildings
Raw sewage
In the sewage disposal plant, large debris is first filtered out, skimmers remove floating grease and oil
Primary sewage treatment
The liquid then undergoes second treatment, which includes aeration or trickling filtration
Secondary sewage treatment
In some desert cities, where water is short supply, the effluent water from the sewage disposal plant is further treated
Tertiary sewage treatment