LESSON 1: Nature of Psychology Flashcards
- scientific study of the mental and behavioral processes of humans and animals
- it is not limited to the study of human behavior only
Comparative Psychology
study of psychology dealing with animals as comparison to humans
Theories in Psychology
- Classical Conditioning
- Operat Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
- Ivan Pablo in his experiments with dogs, expecting them to react to stimuli
Conclusion in Classical Conditioning
The learner is just passive
Operant Conditioning
Skinner in his experiment with rats
Conclusion in Operat Conditioning
We need to do something in order to gain something
ability to make decisions
all actions, activities, and reactions of an individual as matters of psychological study
Types of behavior
- Overt
- Covert
- Conscious
- Unconscious
- Simple
- Complex
- Voluntary
- Involuntary
- Rational
- Irrational
observable behavior
not directly visible (unobservable)
action that is within one’s own awareness
action done by an individual yet he is not aware of doing so
may be detected through instruments or apparatus
utilizes fewer neurons as compared to the amount of neurons used in complex behavior
utilizes more neurons as compared to the amount of neurons used in simple behavior
Complex behavior
done with full will and discretion
actions done automatically while awake or even while asleep
actions done with sanity or reason
actions done without any apparent reason and explanation
Types of Unconscious Behavior
- Mannerisms
- Sleep talking
- Sleep walking
{4. Reactions - Thoughts}
Objectives in Psychology
- To describe
- To understand
- To predict
- To control
done through objective observation, by introspection, or by a combination of both;
classified into: qualitative & quantitative
To understand
done by identifying a consistent relationship between persons, events, situations, and conditions
To predict
possible only if there is accurate prediction
To control
History of Psychology
- Ancient Period
- Greek Era
- Medieval Era
- Pre-modern Era
- Scientific Era
- Psychology in Germany
- Psychology in England
- Psychology in France
- Psychology in America
- Psychology in Philippines
behavior is attributed to animism
Ancient Period
suggests that behavior is directly attributed to gods and spirits
Greek period notable persons:
- Democritus
- Plato
- Aristotle
- Hippocrates
- Galen
“the human mind is composed of atoms, which penetrate in and out of our system”
“soul is distinct to man and is God-given”;
human psyche consists of three distinct elements
three distinct elements of the human psyche
- Element of Reason
- Spirited Element
- Element of Bodily Appetites and Desires
the highest level of value; located in the head
Elements of reason
element by which man would express his emotions; located in the heart
Spirited Element
located in the diaphragm
Element of Bodily Appetite and Desires
Father of Psychology (first person to put into writing his explanation pertaining to the behavior of man);
introduced the three functions of the soul
three functions of the soul
- Vegetative
- Appetitive
- Rational
deals with the basic maintenance of life
focuses on the desire and motive
governs the reason that is located in the heart
Father of Medicine;
“mental disorders arose from natural causes”;
first to classify different mental disorders during the classical period
behavior may be attributed to the humors or vital juices of the body of the bile
Four Temperaments
- Sanguine
- Phlegmatic
- Melancholic
- Choleric
blood (cheerful)
phlegm (slow/sluggish)
black bile (sad/depressed)
yellow bile (irascible/irritable)
Medieval era persons:
- St. Agustine
- St. Thomas Aquinas
combined platonic psychology with Christian thinking:
introduced and used the introspection method
St. Agustine
description of one’s own conscious processes
combined Aristotelian notions to the theologically imperative idea of immortality;
immortality of the soul
St. Thomas Aquinas
Pre-modern Era persons:
- Rene Descartes
- John Locke
- George Berkely
- David Hume
“mind-body interaction”
Rene Descartes
introduced the unit into which all experiences may be analyzed
John Locke
ideas in their own sum constitute became the only reality
George Berkely
wrestled with the problem between impression and ideas, between images and direct sensations
David Hume
Scientific Era persons (Psychology in Germany):
- Wilhelm Wundt
- Kraeplin
- E.H. Weber
- Max Wertheimer
“Father of Scientific Psychology”;
founded the first Psychological Laboratory
Wilhelm Wundt
when did the first Psychological Laboratory in Leipzig, Germany first arose?
bipolar disorder
sensation and stimulation; was modified by Fechner into the Weber-Fechner Law
E.H. Weber
worked on the organizational of mental processes in 1912
Max Wertheimer
Psychology in England persons:
- E.B. Titchener
- Charles Darwin
- Sir Francis Galton
- Karl Pearson/Spearman
studied with Wundt at Leipzig, Germany;
E.B. Titchener
a school of thought also called elementarism since it deals with the elements and structures of the mind
evolutionary theory
Charles Darwin
title of the book published by Charles Darwin in 1859
Origin of Theory
“Father of Psychometrics”;
individual differences
Sir Francis Galton
variations among people on physical or psychological dimensions
individual differences
statistical method in Psychology;
gave England a leadership in the development of Statistical Methods
Karl Pearson / Spearman
Psychology in France persons
- Philippe Pinel
- Seguin
- Anton Mesmer
- Alfred Binet
began the enlightened psychological interpretation of insanity
Philippe Pinel
made use of testing in the teaching of mentally retarded children
developed hypnosis in 1779
Anton Mesmer
other term for hypnosis
Animal Magnetism
makes use of logical reason
makes use of emotions
“Father of Intelligence Tests”;
started the first intelligence test
Alfred Binet
notable persons in Psychology in Philippines
- Dr. Agusto Alonzo
- Dr. Simforoso Padilla
- Fr. Angel de Blas
- Dr. Jesus Perpinan
- Dr. Elias Bumatay
- Dr. Jaime Zaguirre
- Dr. Estefania Aldaba LIm
- Dr. Alfredo Lagmay
- Dr. Mariano Obias
obatined his Ph.D in Experimental Psychology from the University of Chicago in 1926;
became the head of UP Department of Psychology
Dr. Agusto Alonzo
first to major in psychology from the undergraduate to doctoral level, all of which he obtained in UP;
established the first psychological laboratory at UP in 1932
Dr. Simforoso Padilla
Ph.D. in Psychology from UST;
became the chairman of the Department of Psychology from 1930-1954;
established the first Experimental Psychological Laboratory at UST in 1938
Fr. Angel de Blas
obtained his Ph.D. in psychology from Iowa State University in 1933;
set up the FEU Psychological Clinic and became the head of the Department of Psychology
Dr. Jesus Perpinan
received his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Texas in 1940;
became the Dean of Education of National University
Dr. Elias Bumatay
established the first Neuro-Psychiatry Department at V.Luna General Hospital in 1947
Dr. Jaime Zaguirre
first Filipina to receive a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Michigan;
began the psychology program at PWU in 1948, with the establishment of its institute for Human Relations
Dr. Estefania Aldaba Lim
finished his Ph.D in Experimental Psychology in 1955 at Harvard University;
became the chairman of UP Psychology Department and held the position for 22 years
Dr. Alfredo Lagmay
received his Ph.D. in Comparative and Physiological Psychology from Stanford University in 1955
Dr. Mariano Obias