Legislation Flashcards
CARF accreditation
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities is accreditor of choice as they have specific brain injury standards
Can be awarded at most for 3 years for following standards
Awarded for 1 yr, provisional, and non-accreditation possible outcomes
JC Accreditation
Joint Commission is the gold standard for hospital, home care, nursing care
focus = staff qualification/ competency, patient rights, infection control, and use of data to assess performance/ quality
some hospitals may get this for general hospital and CARF for brain injury populations
% of BI survivors receiving funding
estimated only 5% of people with severe brain injury have adequate funding for long term tx and support
private vs. public insurance
private= auto, worker's comp, commercial public= medicaid, home & community waivers
patient protection and affordable care act 2010
seeks to cover 50 million uninsured Americans under private health care plans and mirrors medicaid coverage
most medicaid does not cover after hospital rehab or long term community based services – go to a waiver
Home and Community-based waiver programs
HCMS allows states to “waive” 1+ requirement for eligibility for funding
Established by social security act
allows states to find ways to treat people in community that is Less cost than institutional care
Rehab Act of 1973
set foundation for vocational rehab (VR) systems to help people with disability pursue meaningful career.
Usually contract with private BIC
Olmstead decision
2 women sued Georgia for right to live in own home (leaving nursing home) and at first were denied, supreme court ruled in women’s favor
lead to more opportunities for people with disabilities in the state
Medicaid waiver requirements established by CMS
- person centered planning/ person directed delivery
- PCP that supports person to be as independent as possible
- age appropriate services/ supports
- freedom to move about in community
- home like residential setting in the community with privacy
- integrated and accessible public service (transportation, YMCA, church, adult learning)
- PCP that involves vocational and integrated employment goals/ volunteer
brain injury association of America
founded in 1995
now includes 26 affiliates
Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 1996
the single most important piece of federal legislation for persons with brain injury, acknowledged the incidence and prevalence of TBI nationally and set the stage for funding of surveillance research on TBI, effectiveness research, and improving systems of care
passed to expand prevention, research, delivery
- CDC establish projects to prevent/ reduce incidence
- NIH to award grants to research dx, tx
- Health Resource and Services Admin - make grants to carry out programs statewide for coordinated TBI services
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) state projects
administers state grants to:
- strengthen state infrastructure
- improve community support and services
- develop and evaluate model approaches to the myriad challenges in integrating TBI services into broader service delivery system
- generate support from local/ private sources for sustaining efforts after grant’s completion
TBI Act 2000
extended original funding and again reauthorized in 2008
CDC carries out projects to reduce TBI
CDC established massive public education on mild brain injury and free training for coaches, athletes, MD’s
Generates reports/ fact sheets
TBI Model System
established in 1987 by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research. In 2015, the agency was moved to the Administration for Community Living, (ACL)
develops model systems to care for people with TBI focusing on continuity and comprehensive care
standardized national data base
16 across USA
Center on Outcome Measurement of Brain Injury
Managed care
healthcare funding stream that uses gatekeepers and risk sharing arrangements