Lectures 6-7 : Anatomy Flashcards
what is decussation?
axons crossing the midline
same side of body
same side of body
dorsal vs. ventral
rostral vs. caudal
dorsal/superior = back/ back of spine
ventral/inferior = belly/ front of spine
rostral/anterior = nose
caudal/posterior= tail
what is different about how directions are applied to humans?
ends with ior?
directions are perpendicular or parallel to the ground
ends with al?
directions relative to neuraxis
what is the neuraxis?
axis defined by the embryonic neural tube
horizontal vs. sagital vs. frontal?
what does transverse mean?
perpendicular to the neuraxis
somatic vs. visceral/ autonomic
- motor axons control muscle contractions
- sensory nerves entering spine containing info from skin, muscles, and joints
- innervates internal organs, blood vessels and glands
- motor axons control relaxation or contraction of walls of blood vessels and intestines
- sensory axons carry info on visceral function
- divided into sympathetic and para sympathetic
afferent vs. efferent?
afferent fibers = arrive into the central nervous system
ex. sensory axons carrying information from fingertips into the dorsal root of the spine
efferent fibers = exit the central nervous system
ex. motor axon exiting the ventral rot of the spine to control fingertips
where are the soma and axons concerning the somatic nervous system?
CNS - soma
PNS - axons
cerebrum - desc, direction, size?
- soft, sensory fibers, perception, memory
- the rostral-most and largest part of the brain is the
what divides the cerebrum?
- cerebral hemispheres
- separated by the deep sagittal fissures
what do the hemispheres of cerebrum control?
left hem - right side of body
right hem - left side of body
- little brain
- movement control center
- has extensive connections with the cerebrum and the spinal cord
what do the sides of the cerebellum contain?
left - left side of body
right - right side of body
white matter- surround?
mostly axons
at bottom - surrounds gray
grey matter?
mostly cell bodies
at top - surrounds white
brain stem?
- a complex nexus of fibers and cells
- relay information from the cerebrum to the spinal cord and cerebellum, and vice versa
- site where vital functions are regulated, such as breathing, consciousness, and the control of body temperature
- one can survive damage to the cerebrum and cerebellum, but damage to the brain stem is usually fatal.
spinal nerve function?
- how the spinal cord communicates with the body
composition of the spinal nerve?
- dorsal root = afferent (into spine)
- ventral root = efferent (out of spine)
how many spinal nerves per each level of the spinal cord?
what is the dorsal root ganglia?
contains the cell bodies of sensory neurons but there are no ventral root ganglia
what are the parts of the spinal cord from a horizontal view?
grey matter
- dorsal horn
- intermediate zone
- ventral horn
white matter
- dorsal column
- lateral column
- ventral column
what is the menix?
the three membranes that cover the surface of the central nervous system
what are the parts of the meninges?
dura mater - tough protectant
arachnoid membrane - web like
pia mater - surface grooves
- many blood vessles
- adheres closely to surface of the brain
what is the subdural space?
space between dura matter and arachnoid membrane
when blood vessels passing through dura burst -> subdural hematoma