Lectures 1-2 : Basics Flashcards
3 components of behavior?
1) Sensory input
2) intergration
3)Motor output
Types of Nuerons
uni - multi - bi polar
axon types
golgi 1 - long
golgi 2 - short
connections with periphery
primary sensory - first neurons to receive information from sensory pathways
primary motor - neurons that have axons that synapse with motor cells
interneurons - neurons that synapse with other neurons
dendrite types
spiny - aspinous
how many neurons in the brain
100 bil
back of spine
front of spine
soft - perception, memory, sensory fibers
hard - motor fibers, movement control
what do glia do?
- the glue - insulate, support, nourish neurons
- make up 50% of brain
- 85 billion
what are the types of glia
astrocytes, oliodengrolia & shwan cells, microglia
what do astrocytes do? (6)
- regulate the content of extracellular space
- regulate ion concentrations around neurons
- protect neurons by taking up toxins
- mechanisms that take up K
- guide neurons in development
what does microglia do?
remove debris from dead cells
what do olio and schwan cells do?
involved in mylenation
what is the purpose of mylintating the axon?
- speed electrical conduction down axons
- electrically insulate axons with myelin (fat)
- nodes of raniver
what disease is associated with loss of myelination?
MS - Multiple sclerosis
shwan cells
- insulates a single axon
- insulates many axons
what are the most common type of CNS cancer?
Glial cancers
- gioblastoma
- oliodendroglioma
nissl stain
- see cell bodies, neurons vs. glia
golgi stain
- see specific parts of the neurons
what are the of neurites
axon - dendrites