consciousness Flashcards
what is the sentinel hypothesis?
at rest, we broadly monitor our environment for threats
mentation hypothesis?
at rest, we think about past and future events
what areas are more active at rest?
- medial pre-frontal cortex
- posterior cingulate cortex
- posterior parietal cortex
- hippocampus
- lateral temporal cortex
what are the types of attentions?
describe them?
- stimulus driven
- activley seeking stimulus; goal-driected
what are the different kinds of visual attention?
describe them?
- move eyes and head to place an image in the fovea, often endogenous
- visual attention is drawn to the periphery, often exogenous (i.e. cocktail party)
what does paying attention do?
improves sensitivity to stimuli
neural effects of attention?
brain can actively modulate attention
when people change what they attend to attention shifts
what is hemispatial neglect?
what area of the brain is it associated with?
- attention disorder that occurs with posterior parietal damage
- vision is normal but patients cant complete a full image
- not attentive to the missing half of images
- often follows a stroke
what is the easy problem?
questions that can be answered with experiments
- differences between being awake and asleep
- with attention changes
what is the hard problem?
- subjective experiences
- qualia= a specific subjective experience associated with some input
- pain, solor, taste, smell, etc.
what are enabling factors for consciousness?
- blood flow
- reticular activating system, visual cues
- ACh diffuse modulatory system
what happens when you lesion the V4?
loose the qualia of color
what happens when you lesion the MT?
lose the qualia of motion
what happens when you lesion the IT?
prosopagnosia, face blindness
what happens when you lesion other occipital areas?
- inability to be aware of one object at a time
what are things that do not effect consciousness?
- medial temporal lobe
- prefrontal cortex
- speech areas, general motor areas
what may cause consciousness to be shared by two people?
- conjoined twins
- bridged thalami