lecture 9- social neuroscience Flashcards
petzel et al 2024 found what
majoirty of pts agreed to wokring for an equality university but when using IAT most had a neutral IAT but one condition
what is social neuroscience
using the brain to measure social behavioural processes- allows for measuirng processes before and after
what is transcranial magnetic stimulation
non-invasive technique, strong meagnetic coil that slows down electrons and deactivates the cortex. can only do like a global reduction in an area
sellaro et al- used what techniques
tDCS and IAT- increased activation means IAt scores go down and less bias equals more self-control.
what is magnetic resonance imaging
scans the radio frequencey by hydrogen atoms when they are subjected to a strong magnetic field.
cunningham et al used mri to…
when faced with a black face their is an increase in amygdala activation
how do outgroups dehumanise ingroup
outgroups are not believed to share basic physical features that characterise the ingroup.
what is the ascent-dehuminsation scale
rate social groups from monkesy to humans.
what is the limitations of using the ascent-dehuminsation scale as a measure
susceptible to social desirability
what is the FFA
fusiform face area- located in termporal lobe, processes facial information
dehuminsation severs what bonds
empatehtic bonds people feel for others which truggers indifference and inattention to pain
what do we need to engage in order to gain isnight into someones life
the FFA
what is an eeg
electroencephalogram- records combined actovoty usign electrodes- good temporal resultion but poor spatial resolution
what 4 waves does an eeg measure
delta, alapha, theta and beta
what did an eeg find in the difference of motivation
left lobe- greater activity for approach, right lobe- greater activity for avoidance.
schiemle et al 2016 foudn what when you approach
your more motivated- use resources to seek things that make you happy.
what is an erp
distinct wave patterns within the EEG over time including the perception of stimuli or response to it.
what is an error-related negativity?
self deflection that occurs after giving a response, peaks after you realsie you made a mistake
what does an ERN mean during an IAT
high in IMS and low in EMS- experience an ERN when they make an error allocating black individuals.
petzel et al 2022 found people were less likely to monitor errors…
between black-tool associations by making them tired
what is the n170
in depth processing informed by the fusiform area. pitcher et al 2011- found higher amplitude for faces compared with chairs.
senholzi and Ito 2013- looked at the n170 duirng…
looked at white or black faces told to either look at them as an indeitiy or category.
findings of senholzi and ito 2013’s study
for identity similar amplitude for white and black faces, but when categorising by race higher amplitude for white faces
focusing on identity… focusing on category…
promote empathy… promote bias
david amodio suggested the top down modulation of the n170 may be…
due to strategic shifts in early attention- identify someone is balck which shifts n170 early on
what is the sympathetic-adrenal medullary axis
activates sympathetic nervous system- short term coping mechanism for stress.
what is the HPA axis?
release cortisol over the day, we need it to get out of bed.
doerr et al 2015- found that under exam conditions HPA axis…
awaken cortisol levels peak in eaxm gives you more resources for stress- constant exams eventually burnout
why is high heart rate variability good?
fexible and responsive cardiovascular system, better overall health but low HRV indicate stress
what is the battle between SAM axis and vagus nerve
vagus nerve slows things down whilst SAM speed things up when stress hits
HRV is importnat because…
shows how good you can regulate emotions- if you can manage fluctuations you can handle stress better and recover more quickly.