Lecture 8 Its actually lupus Flashcards
Who is the classic presentation?
female of reproductive age, african descent
Certain HLA haplotypes such as ____ and ____ are increased in SLE with respect to the general population
DR2; DR3
Which 2 drugs are most associated with SLE?
procainainamide, hyrdalazine
What hormone may aggravate SLE symtpoms
The x chromosome was more often ______ in women with SLE than without
measurement of ANA:
tissue placed on slide–>patient’s ___ is placed on slide–>slide is washed, ___ tagged rabbit anti-human Ig is placed–>washed–>imaging
anti-___ antibodies are highly specific for SLE
Anti__ antibodies are an example of extractable nuclear antigens are are specific for SLE
smith (Sm)
Anti-RNP is associated with _______
mixed connective tissue disease
_____ antibodies and and lupus ____ can cause false positive VRDLs and a hypercoagulable state
anticardiolipin; anticoagulant
In lupus, IL _ is increased while IL _ is decreased
10, 12
____ of lymphocytes in patients with SLE has shown to be increased
MQ’s have difficulty clearing ___ cells in SLE patients–>increase in ___ antigens–>auto-immunity
apoptotic; self
2 areas most affected by immune complex disease:
kidney, blood vessels
Antiphospho lipid syndrome is due to lupus ____. It is associated with a ___- PTT and venous and arterial ____
anticoagulant; prolonged; thrombosis