lecture 5- welfare state Flashcards
vararities of states
-quantarive growth
=qualiative change: osmosis
- from warfare state… to welfare ststae?
what is a welfare state? core and variations
minimal conception: collective arrangements for labour, income, care and cure housing, education and culture
marshall- citizenship and social class
- set of rights
-historical sequences of civil, political and social rights
-extention of circle of claimants of rights
-shift from selective charity universal rights/ legal connection if you are in need or care you don’t depend in charity ie churches but the video that there’s a universal rights for your needs
this is a state that comes in a capitalist society inequality, exploitation of workers, workers power to resist the force of capital and exploration its their response
flora and heidenheimer
- a social systmen within the context of a market economy
- a response to the democratic call for social equality and security
-direct payments service
What is a welfare state? organisation
-budget personnel
-technocracy vs democracy
- interaction with social organisation eg trade unions, uni, hospitals
-osmosis melting together characteristics to creat the welfare state
What is a welfare state? goals and functions
decommodification- social life becomes commofified- decommodification parts of what is subject to market conditions is taken out things needed to preform work or housing protection clothing
social justice- fairness economic equality opportunity outcome
social stability- takes away sources of disatifsifcation makes people feel seen, redistribution of what is earned/ produced jmk welfare states should have policy if period of growth should invest
development and variation
ideology- produced due to political struggle things have to change states should be organised in a different way, learning processes, alternatives, critique. the Atlantic charter 1941 four freedoms including free from fear. welfare state built on a blue print. conservatism favour family life, self france organise own economic opportunities. the road to serfdom by f a hayek 1994 collective economy opposition of welfare state just as strong
rational choice- labour and capital working class mobalised through trade unions and can reject the power of capital communist not in favour of welfare state as capitalism will lead to determination of working class increase monopolisation exploration which causes a revolution but unwelcome divergence people wouldn’t suffer enough to rise up, unions employers self employed social reformers, conservative eleite should act as a parental role, religious constituencies, interest groups professionals tax payers entrepenour, small business rejected as they were not reliant on the state, why should tax payers pay for something that doesn’t serve their interest
historical legacy- accumulation of rights, caritas, friendly societies, insurance, schemes, police society give order to a society in exchange for money and rights
variations of the welfare state
universal social democratic (sweden)
selective conservatice post war west germany france
minimal neoliberal UK USA aus
only provided limit extent
mixed patrimonial Italy spain
the nl from social democratice conservative to neoliberal
crisis and reform of the welfare state
rising expectation of what the state was meant to do alongside failure of output = failure of legitimacy crisis of government means people don’t believe welfare is the solution
conservative critic- welfare state in crises as it undermine communal tries family values differences between social groups the problem is it destroys the fabric of society need return to communal values to restore a sense of belonging
feminist critic- welfare state has reinforced a new form of social stratification and a gendered state creates gendered roles that women should stay at home and men should go work
undermines demorcracy you need a defence of democracy meaning fight against beuracracy and professional and give the people the say to say whats important
neoliberalsim- people who saw the liasse faire didn’t work and you needed a new liberalism that active role of state in protecting markets society needs to be organised as a market
explainign the transformation of welfare states
exogeneous schocks or endogenous mechanism
increase awarness on individualism