Barkley- becoming an empire Flashcards
Who is Barkley?
- A sociology professor
- specialises in the structure of “state-society” relations
What is the main argument?
-They became an empire by being highly flexible in their military and admin practices adapted to local
- incorporated diversity
- pragmatic government- used intermediaries and negotiated instead of direct coercion, allowing a stable relationship with its subjects and local power structures
balance between central authority and local autonomy
- legitimised rule through politics and religion. The sultans presented themselves as Islamic rulers and as a pragmatic ruler
- learned from previous empires, such as the Romans and Byzantines, in crafting their governance structures
- look at
- Mehmed II, Selim I, and Suleyman the Magnificent
justics and legitimacy for the ottoman empire
sultan dispense justice was a form of legitimacy the courts were in his name. wanted to seem as fair rulers.
legitimacy- taking over from the Byzantium empire
segregated elites and a flexible economy
provincial admin and border management
outer provinces would become core provinces
vassel and client states boldovia, egypt
strong centre
strong centre= strong central institutions and thus personalities become less important
flexibility, the use of old and new institutions, the use of elites, the creation of legitimacy and individual leadership made the ottoman empire durable