Lecture 4 Olympics Flashcards
Nutrition counselors should encourage pregnant teenagers to…
eat foods from all the basic food groups
A pregnant adolescent is at risk because she…
is still in a growth stage of development
During pregnancy, women should be encouraged not to…
drink alcoholic beverages
Making a choice to lose weight and manage one’s cholesterol level is most likely to occur during…
middle adulthood
Increased protein is necessary in pregnancy for…
growing maternal tissues
The patient who would have the highest protein needs is…
73 year old man recovering from a broken hip after a fall
An older adult is most likely to have an inadequate nutrient intake if he or she lives…
The feeding process is important for development of…
the bonding relationship with the parent
An 8 year old infant who receives approximately 0.4 L of fluid per day is meeting….
75% of fluids per day
During pregnancy, a 132 pound woman should limit her intake of caffeine to…
300 mg per day
Factors that influence the nutrition needs of young adults include…
physical activity
Eating disorders are common in many groups of adolescent girls because….
society and peers value thinness
Daily kilocalorie needs during the second trimester exceed normal requirements by approximately…
340 kcal
If an older adult is losing weight, his or her caloric intake is….
less than energy needs
The congregate meal for seniors is…
the noon meal
A 42 year old who makes his or her own decisions regarding regarding whom to marry and type of family is desired is considered to be making…
independent choices
The protein needs of an older adult are influenced by the adequacy of….
caloric intake
At birth, the reflexes an infant has are….
rooting, sucking, and swallowing
Older adults need more vitamin D than younger adults because they…
are less efficient at making their own
The most suitable first solid food for infant 6 months of age would be…
infant rice cereal
Prescription and over-the-counter drugs can affect nutritional status because they…
may affect appetite or absorption of nutrients
The Older Americans Act provides home-delivered meals for those who…
are ill or disable
During childhood, most calories are needed for…
basal metabolic needs
Hypervitaminosis of vitamins A or D is most likely to occur because of…
overuse of vitamin supplements
A good source of calcium during pregnancy is…
The approximate recommended age for adding solid food to an infant’s diet is…
6 months
During a checkup at the clinic, a child’s physical growth is evaluated by using…
growth charts
The amount of breast milk that most women produce…
is governed by supply and demand
The Mini Nutrition Assessment identifies…
nutritional risk
The ideal first food for infants is…
human milk
Appropriate snack choices for a pregnant woman with woman with morning sickness may include
whole-wheat toast with small amount of light butter and a small piece of fruit.
energy requirements decrease as adults age becasue
the number of functioning body cells decreases with age
the first milk secreted by a new mother is called
an acceptable ending pregnancy weight for a woman whose prepregnancy weight is 125 lb is
150 to 160 lb
effective strategies for weight management in children include
regular physical activity
the amount of extra protein required by pregnant women compared with nonpregnant women is approximately
25 g/day
a low birth weight infant weights less than
2500 g
young children should be offered
small portions so they can ask for more if they are hungry
iron needs increase during pregnancy because of
an increased maternal blood volume
older infants can generally finger-feed themselves with a refined pincer grasp at
10 to 12 months
effective strategies to delay the onset of type 2 diabetes include
brisk walking with friends for 45 minutes most days during a lunch break
the ideal first food for newborn is
breast milk
three important factors that support adequate lactation are
diet, fluids, rest, and relaxation
a pregnancy is considered high risk if the mother
is 16 yrs old
a very overweight pregnant woman older than 30 yrs of age is at risk for
gestational diabetes
each decade, basal energy needs decrease
1% to 2%
An adequate source of iron for breast-fed infant at 8 months of age is
an enriched rice cereal
john is a 34 yr old who is active in his community coaching football. he was also recently promoted to a director-level position at his job, john is in
young adulthood
advantages of breast-feeding for the mother include
convenience and economy
during the school-age yrs, the rate of growth
is slow and irregular
examples of foods high in nutrients that help prevent osteoporosis are
yogurt and canned salmon
a condition of severe, prolonged, and persistent vomiting during pregnancy is called
hyperemesis gravidarum
contributing factors for osteoporosis include
inadequate calcium and vitamin d intake
high blood pressure and the accumulation of protein in the urine may be signs of
dehydration is more common in older adults than in younger adults because
the thirst mechanism diminishes
a good source of energy for children is
whole-wheat toast
nutritional needs during pregnancy are affected by
the mothers age
at may be advisable for an older adult to take a vitamin or mineral supplement
if he or she has been ill
an example of a food that provides building material for tissue growth is
drinking three to four cups of milk a day during pregnancy is recommended because milk is a good source of
vitamin D
compared with adults, infants and young children have more body fluid
outside the cells
the number of calories per day supplied as carbohydrate for older adults who require 2000 kcal per day should be
900 to 1300
failure to thrive may be caused by
overdilution of formula
failure to thrive may be caused by
overdilution of formula
the best source of folate is
green, leafy, vegetables
feeding older adults with sensitivity includes
giving sufficient time to chew and swallow
the finding of glycosuria during a routine laboratory test may suggest that the woman has
gestational diabetes
what is a food choice to help alleviate constipation during pregnancy ?
A pregnant vegetarian can help prevent development of iron-deficiency anemia by consuming foods high in
vitamin C
for residents in long-term care facilities, the type of diet model recommended is
least restrictive
physiologic problems of older adults include
decreased thirst and taste sensations
several vitamins are required in greater amounts during pregnancy because
metabolic activities increase
parents who use natural foods should be advised to
avoid giving honey to a child younger than 1 year of age
a major factor in weight control is
physical activity
food intake may decrease after the first year of life, and caloric need is not as great because
the growth rate slows down
congregate meals are most often served at a
senior center
total weight gain during the first trimester should be approximately..
2 to 4 lb
the final, major growth spurt of childhood occurs
with the onset of puberty
the phase that shows the most erratic. growth is
the patient who would have the highest protein needs is
a 73 year old man recovering from a broken hip after a fall
the older adult’s diet should include adequate carbohydrates to
support normal brain function
a pregnant woman’s energy needs must be met in order to
spare protein
a type of feeding NOT recommended for infants during the early months is
cow’s milk
babies should not be put to sleep with a bottle of formula because
this could lead to early tooth decay
A good source of iron during pregnancy would be
lean ground beef
the older americans act provides funds for
congregate and home-delivered meals
biologic processes associated with aging may cause
an increased ratio of adipose to muscle tissue
adequate folate in the periconceptional period helps prevent
neural tube defects
factors that commonly contribute to malnutrition in older adults include
the loss of teeth or poorly fitting dentures
the most common cause of anemia during pregnancy is
iron deficiency
foods for infants should be prepared without added
sugar and salt