Lecture 23: Biogeochemical Cycling Flashcards
What are the two conditions that life requires to be met?
The flow of energy and the continual recycling of elements
What processes do Primary Producers (Autotrophs) use produce organic matter?
Photosynthesis or Chemosynthesis
What is Primary Production?
When primary producers (autotrophs) produce organic matter via photosynthesis or chemosynthesis from CO2
What is the word equation for Photosynthesis?
Carbon Dioxide + water + energy ➡️ carbohydrate + oxygen
What is the chemical formula for photosynthesis?
6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy → C6H12O6 (glucose)+ 6O2
Where does Chemosynthesis get its energy from?
Chemical components rather than light like in photosynthesis
What is the word chemical formula for Chemosynthesis?
Hydrogen Sulfide + oxygen ➡️ sulfate + protons + energy
What is the chemical formula for Chemosynthesis?
H2S + 2O2 ➡️ SO4 2- + 2H+ + energy
What do Heterotrophs do with organic matter?
They use organic matter as a fuel for respiration
What does Respiration release?
Energy as heat
What is the chemical formula for respiration?
C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2 ➡️ 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
What are the two types of Respiration?
Aerobic and Anaerobic
How do heterotrophs build body mass?
By eating other organism
What is Secondary production?
Building body mass by eating other organisms
What are the main reactants and products in Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration?
The main reactant is glucose and the main product is energy
What are Macronutrients?
Elements required by all living things in large amounts
What are Micronutrients?
Elements required in small amounts by all in life, or in moderate amounts by some forms of life
What are Toxins?
Elements that are detrimental to living organisms
What are the Macronutrients?
C, H, O, N, P, S
What is a Limiting Factor?
An element that prevents the growth of an organism’s, population or even species
What is Liebig’s law or the Law of Minimum?
The idea that growth is limited by the scarcest element
What does a Biogeochemical cycle describe?
The movement of a chemical element or compound through the biosphere and the rest of the earth system
What is the largest carbon sink in the carbon cycle?
Marine sediments and sedimentary rocks
What is the biggest reservoir for the nitrogen cycle?
The atmosphere
Where is the most phosphorous in the phosphorus cycle?
Earth’s crust
In what form is most phosphorus in the crust found as?
Apatite that is really hard to dissolve
What are biomes?
Regions with similar environmental characteristics
What are the most important biomes?
The Taiga and the Boreal Forest
What are the 3 types of water systems?
Freshwater, Brachic water or Sea water
What is the Photic zone?
Any zone where light hits and where photosynthesis occurs
What are Plankton?
Small organisms that live in the photic zone
What does Benthic meaning?
Organisms that like to attach to things at any level of water