Lecture 22: Psychological Disorders ll Flashcards
Describes a wide range of developmental disorders that are characterized by troubles with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behaviour
autism incidence
around 1% of the population
when do autism symptoms typically appear?
Parents usually notice symptoms during the first 2-3 years of a child’s life
what are the first symptoms of autism to appear?
Social impairments
causes of autism
combination of environmental and genetic factors
heritability of autism
heritability of autism spectrum disorder
autism and genes
Many cases have been linked to rare gene mutations. These include chromosome abnormalities involving deletions, duplications, or inversions of genetic material. Other cases are associated with multigene interactions across common gene variants.
maternal health and autism
Some cases have been linked with maternal viral infection during pregnancy
prevalence of speech in people with autism
⅓ of people with Autism do not develop enough natural speech to meet their daily communication needs
Asperger’s syndrome
Mild forms of Autism that mostly involve deficient or absent social interactions and repetitive and stereotyped behaviours along with obsessional interest in narrow subjects
autism in males vs. females
Autism is 4x more common in males than females. If only cases with intellectual disability are considered, the ratio is 2:1. If only cases of high-functioning autism are considered, the ratio is 7:1
hypothesis for why autism is more prevalent in males
Within species, the heterogametic (males in humans, females in birds, butterflies, some reptiles and fish) shows slightly more variability on all kinds of traits
brain development and autism
Smaller brain at birth, but grows abnormally fast and by 2-3 years is about 10% larger than a normal brain. Then, the growth of an autistic brain slows down and by adolescence is only about 1-2% larger than normal
hypothesis for differing brain activity in people with autism
Altered neuronal migration during early gestation
Abnormal formation of synapses and dendritic spines
Overconnectivity of key brain areas
Unbalanced excitatory-inhibitory neural networks
fusiform area & autism
There is little or no activity in the fusiform face area of autistic adults looking at pictures of human faces.
goal of autism treatment
lessen the impact of the associative deficits & family distress and increase quality of life & independence
medications used for autism
↑ GABA receptor activity
↑ serotonin receptor activity
↓ dopamine receptor activity
↑ dopamine receptor activity
feelings and emotions
mood (affective) disorder
serious mood disorder
types of mood disorders
Bipolar disorder and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
bipolar disorder
Serious mood disorder characterized by cyclical periods of mania and depression
bipolar disorder prevalence
1% of the population
heritability of bipolar disorder
~80% of the risk is attributed to genetics.