lecture 20 Flashcards
What is a behavior?
A response to external and internal cues.
What is a major example of an external cue?
Odorants (especially for fish)
What are odorants? and what is the most common odorant?
Odorants include amino acids, bile salts, and pheromones.
The most common odorant is that of the Amino Acid.
What Odorant dose Arash look at for his thesis?
He looks at Amino acids
Hoe dose an animal detect Odorants?
Odorants get detected by the olfactory system.
What behaviors are made in response to an odorant?
There are many, odorants can be for finding food, escaping predators, or mating.
How do most studies examine the interaction of animal and odorant?
On a 1-to-1 basis.
Super unrealistic for them to do this btw.
What is arashes thesis looking at directly?
How animals response (zebrafish) when exposed to many, and sometimes contrasting odorants. such as predator and prey odorants.
What is an attraction que defined as?
Spending more time in a region where the cue is present.
What is an avoidance cue defined as?
Spending less time in an area where the cue is present.
What behavior do we see in zebrafish when they are in an area with a attraction cue?
We see that they move around and search for things a lot. ie looking for food
What behavior do we see in zebrafish when they are in an areas with avoidance cues?
We see them freeze in place.
When a zebra fish is placed in an environment with low amounts of food extract present what change in behavior would we expect to see? why?
They show very little change in behavior, as this low volume of food in their environment is not enough for them to put the effort into finding the source of the food.
When a zebra fish is placed in an environment with high amounts of food extract present what change in behavior would we expect to see? why?
We would expect to see an increase in time spent in the zone of odor flow, swim speed, and total distance travelled.
This is because the Zebra fish is looking for the food.
What is L-alanine?
A attraction cue that mimics food.
it is commonly found in fish prey mussels and elicits a forging behavior.
What is L-serine?
A avoidance cue that mimics the presence of predictors
It is found in mammalian skin, and in particular fingerprints.
When fish learn to avoid a cue sush as L-serine what is it called?
a adaptive response
What is L-cysteine?
A avoidance cue that is found in dead/spoiled fish flesh(hydrogen-sulfide) .
It gives an off smell and taste to animals who encounter it, and zebra fish are born with an avoidance response to this Amino Acid.
What is it called when an animal is born with an avoidance behavior, like the Zebrafish and L-cysteine?
It is called an innate response.
What is phenotypic copying?
When one animal observers another animals response to a stimuli, and then copies that response rather than making their own.
When a zebra fish is in a environment with nothing else present, what is this behavior called?
Baseline behavior
What was the strongest Attraction cue? at what concentration?
0,05mM of L-alanine
What happens when a zebra fish is exposed to 0.1mM of L-alanine? and at 0.5mM?
We see an avoidance response, as there was too much stimuli for the fish to take in at once, making the attraction into an avoidance.
at 0.5mM we see no defined attraction or avoidance response as there is simply way too much in the environment for the fish to decode.
What is it called when a fish reacts both in attraction and avoidance to a cue depending on the concentration?
It is called a biphasic response.
What response did the lab fish have to L-serine?
None, because it is a adaptive response they need to learn to be avoidance towards it. they haven’t seen it do bad or good so they did nothing in its presence,
What was the strongest avoidance cue? at what concentration?
0.1mM of L-cysteine
What behavior do we see when 0.05mM of L-alanine and 0.1mM of L-cysteine are mixed together the fish is exposed to them?
We see an avoidance response.
Why would we expect to see an avoidance response when zebra fish are exposed to both strong attraction and avoidance responses?
we would expect to see an avoidance response as the fear of being eaten is greater than the want to eat.
How low of a concentration of L-cysenie was needed before attraction was seen in the mixture (L-alanine & L– cystenie)
We would need to decrease the concentration of L-cysteine from 0.1mM to 0.001mM in order for attraction to be seen again.
Why would you need such a massive decrease in the avoidance cue in order to see attraction once again?
The risk of being eaten has to be so low that the animal will risk it in the opportunity to gather food.
Can you increase the attraction cue in order to overcome the avoidance cue?
No you cannot, the will to eat is never stronger than the fear of being eaten.
How did arash determine that these were in fact caused by the sense of smell rather than other sense?
He removed the fishes sense of smell, and attempted the experiment once again and saw no results. Confirming that it is from smell