Lecture 2 Flashcards
What causes the disorder
Person’s behavior based on id, ego, and superego.
Ego defense mechanism
Ego deals with anxiety (misbalance of id, ego, and superego) by resorting to irrational protective measures ut alter reality.
Emotions related to something are taken out on something else that is unrelated.
Push your own behavior onto others/blame others
forbidden desires through daily activities.
Reaction formation
when a desire/belief is held, you act oppositely
Repress/go back to an earlier age, backtrack
push desires into unconscious brain (push them away)
Telling yourself an alternate reality
Ego defense mechanisms’ unwillingness to talk about certain topics in therapy
When unconscious feelings from a person are becoming active in the present situation with a different person
e.g., deep feelings of anger toward your father begin to manifest toward your therapist
Unconditional Positive Regard (acceptance)
Therapist displays empathy and takes a non-judgmental approach - this builds a sense of trust and acceptance between the therapist and client
Empathetic Understanding (empathy)
therapist understands client, does not interpret but rather reflects what the client is communicating
Congruence (genuineness)
therapist does not take the traditional role of “expert” or “professional,” but instead presents genuinely and as human - this transparency makes the client feel more comfortable and feel as if the therapist is more accessible
Achieving congruence
perceived self is in line with actual experiences (trusting your own view of the world & recognizing your positive nature)
Therapeutic alliance
Building a supportive environment where care, trust, understanding are present between therapist and client