LECTURE 18: Digestive Diseases II Flashcards
What is infectious bursal disease? Gumboro disease
dsRNA non enveloped virus
What are the 2 serotypes?
- Pathogenic in chickens
- Chickens/Turkeys
IBD targets what cells?
B cells
What are the pathotypes for IBD?
Classical (bursal lesions), variant (usually seen), and very virulent
What is the route of transmission for IBD?
Fecal-oral very infectious
What are the clinical signs of IBD?
- Diarrhea, depression, ruffled feathers, dehydration, vent picking
What are the means of sampling for IBD?
- Blood
- Histopathology
- Tissue for VI
- Swabs for molecular
What are some gross lesions for IBD?
- Intramuscular hemorrhages
- Necrosis in other immune organs
- Swollen kidneys
What are histopathologic lesions of IBD?
lymphoid follicle necrosis
What is the tx for IBD?
- C&D needs to be really good
- Vax breeders
What is hemorrhage enteritis virus?
Non enveloped, dsDNA virus
Causing hemorrhages in the intestine
HEV only affects what sector?
What are clinical signs of HEV?
Rapid onset of bloody diarrhea and death
Dead birds are pale and well-fleshed
What are gloss lesions of HEV?
Frank blood GI lumen
Large spleen
Hemorrhages of muscles
How do you test for HEV?
- Blood
- Histopathology
- Swabs for molecular
What is the methods of treatment and control for HEV?
- Vaccination
- Antibiotics
What is poult enteritis mortality syndrome?
We don’t know what causes the mortality in poults but its happening (only in meat type turkeys)
How is PEM transmitted?
What are clinical signs of PEM?
- Loud vocalization
- dehydrated legs/small legs
How do you sample for PEM?
You can do everything because this is more of a process of elimination
What is runting-stunting/malabsorption syndrome?
syndrome in broilers (chickens meat type only)
Was does RSS look like?
Intestine filled with fluid and gas
How can you sample for RSS?
You can do everything because this is more of a process of elimination
What is duck virus enteritis?
herpesvirus in ducks
What is the transmission of DVE?
Horizontal transmission
What are clinical signs of DVE?
Sudden death, high mortality, bloody diarrhea
What cells do DVE target?
Endothelial cells vascular damage
How can you test for DVE?
- Histopathology
- Tissue for VI
- Blood
- Swabs for molecular
How do you prevent DVE?
Test and cull, prevent exposure to wild waterfowl, and vaccination