Lecture 16 Flashcards
what percentage of the oxygen do protists produce?
Protists produce at least half of the oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere
from which protist do we get oil for cars?
We get oil for cars from pressure-cooked diatoms (a photosynthetic protist)
characteristics of protists?
Range in size: microscopic to 75 meters long (giant kelps)
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: moist environments Most are unicellular organisms Some live in colonies: loosely connected groups of cells Some are multicellular Some in symbiotic relationships
cytoplasmic extensions called: Pseudopodia
multiple cilia, 1-2 flagella
a few are nonmotile (don’t move)
where do protists live?
Most live in the water: fresh & marine water
Make up most of the plankton: floating, small organisms that are the base of the food chain in aquatic ecosystems
Terrestrial protists: damp places like soil
Parasites live in host’s bodily fluids
what is the nutrition of the protists?
Photoautotrophs: perform photosynthesis using the light
Chemoheterotrophs: take in organic material from their surroundings to be used as both a source of energy and as a source of carbon.
Mixotrophs: alternate between photoautrophic & chemoheterotrophic. Ex Euglenids
absorptive nutrition?
absorb monomers from surroundings.
Ex. fungus-like slime molds, parasitic Trypanosomes
ingestive nutrition?
take in (ingest) food, then digest it. Animal-like protists: amebas, ciliates.
how do protists move?
- pseudopodia
- cilia
- flagella
3 main groups of protists?
Plant-like: photosynthetic
Animal-like: ingest/digest
Fungus-like: decompose
cell wall of seaweeds/ green algae is made up of?
characteristics of Diatoms?
Unicellular algae
Major component of phytoplankton
Photosynthetic: By themselves thought to make 20-50% of O2 on Earth
Organic product of photosynthesis mostly oil (fats) but do make carbs as well.
nutrition of euglena?
Euglena: mixotroph: Photosynthesis & heterotrophy
plant like protists?
seaweeds, green algae, diatoms, volvox, euglena
animal like protists?
amoeba, paramecium, stentor,
examples of protist decomposers?
water mold, slime mold
role of protists in the ecosystem?
- release oxygen (50% of earth’s o2)
- Basis of Aquatic Food Webs (Algae are responsible for most of the primary production in aquatic habitats, are eaten by the others, multi and unicellular)
- Symbiosis:
Mutualism, Lichen
Parasitism Trypanosma
Parasitism Plasmodium
characteristics of Symbiosis: Parasitism Plasmodium
2 hosts: mosquitos & humans
200-500 million people get sick every year
2 million people (mostly children under 5) die every year: 1 every 30 seconds
Antimalarial drugs (parasite) & pesticides (kill mosquitos) loosing effectiveness: resistance to drugs by parasite & mosquito
Mosquito nets effective