Lab 5 Flashcards
phytoplankton protists?
desmids characteristic
Cell wall of cellulose, Photosynthetic, Energy stored as starch
diatoms characteristics
Cell wall of silica, Photosynthetic, Energy stored as oil
euglena characteristics
No cell wall, Photosynthetic, Ingestive nutrition, Absorptive nutrition, Contractile vacuole present, Eyespot present, Flagellum present
volvox characteristics
Cell wall present, Colonial, Photosynthetic, Eyespot present in certain of the cells, Flagellum present in certain of the cells, Energy stored as starch
amoeba characteristics
No cell wall, Ingestive nutrition, Contractile vacuole present, Pseudopodium present, Part of Zooplankton
stentor characteristics
No cell wall, Ingestive nutrition, Contractile vacuole present, Cilia present
Trypanosoma characteristics
No cell wall, Absorptive nutrition, Flagellum present
which protists are Solely chemoheterotrophs and are referred to as protozoa.
which protists are Solely photoautotrophs and are referred to as algae.
Which of the protists is associated with fossil fuels?
Which of the protists move using flagella?
Which of the protists have a plasma membrane surrounded by a cell wall? silica or cellulose?
Volvox cellulose
Diatoms silica
Desmids cellulose
Which Protists have contractile vacuoles? How is that related to where these protists live?
controls the intracellular water balance by accumulating and expelling excess water out of the cell, allowing cells to survive under hypotonic stress as in pond water
which protists are unicell, multicell, colonial?
colonial volvox
multi algae
unicellular paramecium, diatoms, desmids, euglena, stentor, amoeba, trypanosoma
protists role in ecosystem
- Release Oxygen
- Basis of Aquatic Food Webs (algae)
- Symbiosis: Mutualism Lichen, Parasitism Trypanosma
Plankton ?
is composed of phytoplankton and zooplankton, which are typically tiny organisms found near the surface in aquatic environments.
perform photosynthesis and are at the base of aquatic food chains.
: float with water current or may “swim” using flagella or cilia, but are poor swimmers so still mostly float. Includes amoebas, ciliates, and some flagellates (seen in the lab) as well as some larger organisms
Euglena are mixotrophic, and so can be part of zooplankton or phytoplankton.
economic importance of protists
Protists serve as the foundation of the food chain. Protists are symbionts – having a close relationship between two species in which, one is benefited. Some protists also produce oxygen and may be used to produce biofuel. Protists are the primary sources of food for many animals.
Many protists are also commonly used in medical research.