Learning (ii) Flashcards
What is shaping
reinforces the steps to reach the desired behavior.
A larger goal is broken down to smaller goals, and the animal is rewarded at every small goal.
What is chaining
Performing tasks consecutively to earn a reward.
What are primary reinforcers
The reinforcement item itself is a reward
eg: chocolate
What are secondary reinforcers
The item in itself doesn’t have any rewarding value, but can be translated into something that has rewarding value.
Eg: money
What is token economy
Virtual tokens/points for rewards, as a secondary reinforcer.
In schools, prisons, mental institutes, etc.
eg: brownie points.
Premack principle
Use a preferred activity to reinforce a non-preferred activity.
Eg: 1 hr of studying = 1 ep of anime
What is a reinforcement schedule
Form of continuous reinforcement - best for teaching new behavior.
layman terms: every time an action is performed, a reward is given
What is partial reinforcement
Reward is only given sometimes
Advantages of partial reinforcement
More extinction resistance since theres always the anticipation of getting the reward, which drives the person.
What is a ratio schedule
Reward after fixed set number of responses.
Eg: reward after studying 5 chapters
What is an interval
Reward after a passage of time
eg: reward after studying for 1 hr
What is a fixed schedule
constant, reward given every time
What is a variable schedule
keeps changing.
4 types of reinforcement schedules
fixed ratio
fixed interval
variable ratio
variable interval
What is fixed ratio
After EVERY set number of responses a reward is given.
eg: every 5 chapters of psych
what is variable ratio
SOMETIMES they may get the reward, SOMETIMES they wont get it after completing a set number of responses.
Fixed interval
get a reward EVERYTIME a certain amount of time passes before reward.
eg: every 1 hr of studying = 1 ep of anime
Variable interval
Reward may vary after time has elapsed.
Which schedule promotes higher levels of response
What is instinctive drift
Animals forgo rewards to pursue their typical patterns of behavior.
Contingency models of classical conditioning
Pavlov’s model
Rescorla’s model
What is Pavlov’s model
More times two things are paired, the morning learning occurs.
What is Rescorla’s model
Pavlov’s model + a level of cognition that is required.
Neurons in the brain form new connections and old connections are strengthened.
Term for biology behind learning
Long Term Potentiation
Who suggested Long Term Potentiation
Donald Hebb