abnormal psych Flashcards
What are the 4Ds to define abnormality
Explain the 4 Ds to def abnormality
Distress - Themselves and others
Dangerous - to themselves and others
Dysfunction - maladaptive (can’t adapt well to everyday life
Deviant - Very subjective - Differ from the average/mean point of view or differ from cultural norms
When can something be considered abnormal
what can be left out
Needs to meet all 4 Ds to be considered abnormal
Dangerous - can be left out
Definition for manuals for disorders
Manuals that list all disorders, symptoms, how to diagnose, etc
What are the 2 manuals for disorders and full forms?
DSM (Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders)
ICD (International classification of disorders)
Which organizations gave which manual
DSM - APA (American Psychiatric Association)
ICD - WHO (World Health Organisation)
What does the PSYCHOANALYTIC school of thought state the cause of disorders
Early childhood traumatic experiences that are stored and cause conflicts in the unconcious
What does the BEHAVOIRIST school of thought state the cause of disorders
The learning of “flawed” behaviors as a result of the person’s history and reinforcement.
What does the COGNITIVE school of thought state the cause of disorders
Faulty thoughts
What does the HUMANISTIC school of thought state the cause of disorders
Problems with own self
Eg: problems with feelings, self esteem, self concept, etc.
What does the SOCIOCULTURAL school of thought state the cause of disorders
External factors and circumstances such as the environment around you
What does the BIOMEDICAL school of thought state the cause of disorders
The biological factors such as genetics, hormones, etc.
What are the 2 types of symptoms of Anxiety and a few examples for each
Physical - sweating, heart palpitation, ringing in ears, shivering
Psychological - Flurry of thoughts, cloudly thoughts, a lot of ‘what if’ thoughts
What are the 4 types of anxiety and full forms if any
GAD - Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Panic attacks
Social anxiety (aka social phobia)
Characteristics of GAD
A continuous form of mild anxiety (body cant be in true anxious state 24x7)
Constant state of worry - ‘what if’ questions are never ending
What is a panic attack
what causes most panic attacks
Similar to GAD except
Is a short episode of extreme anxiety
Symptoms are taken to a severe extent
Most panic attacks are caused out of anticipation of a panic attack.
What is a phobia and how are they derived
An irrational fear
Derived through anxiety
What is social anxiety and what drives it
Anxiety when you have to interact with strangers.
Driven by the thought that you will be judged by others/embarrass yourself.
What is the best solution to Social Anxiety
Cognitive school of thought. Resolve the flawed thought
General symptoms of depression
EMI - Energy Mood Interest - all go down
Sleep less socially withdrawn Appetite goes down Worthlessness Hopelessness
Types of depression disorders and full forms if any
MDD (Major depressive disorder)
SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
What is MDD and char
A severe form of depression
Length of the episode - depressed for atl 2 weeks w/o reason
Other symptoms are the general ones
what is SAD (depression) and the usual time frame and cause
Depressed during certain times of the year
Usually during winter because of lack on sunlight
Treatment for SAD
Light therapy - during winter, the light is less. This therapy combats that.
Aaron Beck - Causes of Depression
Name of theory
What it is
Cognitive triad
Negative views about one self leads to Negative views about the world leads to Negative vies about the future.
Causes of depression - psychoanalytical
Unconscious repressed feelings from childhood experiences or trauma.
Causes of depression - biological (2 causes)
Genetic vulnerability of depression ‘
Low serotonin
What bipolar disorder
Constant cycling between mania and depression.
What is mania
Some symptoms/char
Overly energetic, elated phase.
Talk very fast
Talk a lot
Lose sleep
What are the 3 types of bipolar
Bipolar I Disorder
Bipolar II disorder - hypomania
What is Bipolar I disorder
Type of bipolar where both mania and depression cycles are severe.
Extreme symptoms of both
What is Hypomania
Type of bipolar where there is mild mania but severe depression
What is Cyclothymia
Type of bipolar where depression and mania are both mild.
What are the causes of bipolar
Largely Biological - chemical imbalances, genetics
Levels of neurotransmitters in people with bipolar
Low levels of serotonin
Low levels of norepinephrine
High levels of acetycholine
Treatment for bipolar
What is schizophrenia
A disorder where people are caught up in delusions and hallucinations
What are the 3 types of symptoms of schizophrenia
What are Positive symptoms of Schizophrenia
Disorganized thoughts
What is a halucination
A false perception in lack of external stimuli
What are the types of hallucinations
Auditory Tactile Somatic Visual gustatory Olfactory
What are auditory hallucinations
2 types
Hear voices speaking to them
Second person - refer to the patient directly
third person - refer to patient as he/she
What is derailment/tangentiality
keep shifting from topic to topic
Can’t have a convo about one topic
What are delusions
False beliefs that are firmly held on inadequate grounds.
Types of delusions
What are delusions of persecution
Believe someone is out to get them, harm them, slandering them, or plotting against them.
What are delusions of grandeur
Believe that they are specially empowered
know famous people
or they think they are famous
eg: ‘i am god’
What are delusions of control
Believe that feelings, thoughts and actions are controlled by others.
What are negative symptoms of schizophrenia
Blunted effect
Flat effect
What is Alogia (neg symptom of schizophrenia)
Aka poverty of speech
Don’t speak much
Reply to things in 1 word (eg)
What is blunted effect (neg symptom of schizophrenia)
Show less emotions.
less anger, sadness, joy, etc.
What is the flat effect (neg symptom of schizophrenia)
Show no emotion at all
Straight face to everything
What is Avolition (neg symptom of schizophrenia)
Aka apathy
Inability to start or complete a course of action.
Become totally focused on own idea and fantasies, and therefore they have to withdraw socially and from society.
Examples of psychomotor symptoms
Move less spontaneously
Make odd gestures and grimaces
3 types of catatonia (schizophrenia)
Catatonic stupor - Remain motionless and silent for long periods of time
Catatonic rigidity - Upright and rigid posture for items
Catatonic Posturing - Awkward and bizarre positions for long periods of time.
Cause of schizophrenia
Dopamine hypothesis - High levels of dopamine (neurotransmitter).
Treatment for schizophrenia -
anti psychotic drugs that aim to reduce dopamine levels
Dangers with reducing dopamine levels
Parkinson’s disease,
What is Parkinson’s disease
A motor disorder
What disorder can the use of the anti psychotic drugs cause
Tardive dyskinesia - Anti Psychotics cause Parkinson’s like symptoms.
How to treat Parkinson’s
Drug name
Aim of drug
Side effects
L dopa
Increase dopamine levels
Side effects: schizophrenic symptoms
What does low serotonin cause
Low serotonin - depression
Genetic cause for schizophrenia
Very common and supported cause
75/80% schizophrenic cases are caused by a genetic vulnerability
What is a double bind
Person is brought up in a contradictory environment.
eg: Mom wants kid to do/be sometinhg, dad wants sumn else, grand parents want sumn else, etc.
What is the diathesis stress model
states that disorders are caused due to biological factors
What is a paraphyllia
another name for it
Aka psychosexual disorders
Sexual attraction to objects, peopl. activities that aren’t sexual
What is Pedophilia
Aroused by children
what is zoophilia
Aroused by animals
what is fetishism
Aroused by objects
who is a masochist
someone aroused by being in pain
who is a sadist
someone aroused by inflicting pain
Who is a voyeur
someone Aroused by watching sexual activity.
What is OCD - and the 2 parts
Obsessive Compulsive disorder
Repeated pattern of Obsessions and Compulsions
What are the disorders in cluster A (personality disorder
What is paranoid personality (cluster A)
Patterns of distrust of others that may not be justified by real circumstances.
Schizoid personality disorder (cluster A)
Detachment from social relationships, and the person prefers solidary activities.
Schizotypal (cluster A)
Display odd behavior
What are the disorders in cluster B (personality disorder)
Anti social, histrionic, narcistic personality, borderline.
What is histrionic (cluster B)
who is it common among
Want to be the center of attention, are very seductive and have a lot of friends.
Common in women
What is narcistic personality (Cluster B)
Superiority complex
What is antisocial (cluster B)
Violate others and commit crimes without any sense of guilt
Destructive, aggressive, impulsive.
What is borderline (cluster B)
Constant sense of void and insecurity in relationships.
Low self esteem
Disorders in cluster C (personality disorder)
OCPD, r, Dependent
What is OCPD full form and characterisitcs
Obsessive compulsive personality disorder
Devoted to work and productivity
Very rigid
Won’t discard used items
What stage of fixation would Freud say someone with OCPD was at
Anal stage of fixation
What is avoidant personality (Cluster C)
Skip social activities and they are scared of rejection and embarrassment. They feel inferior and have a low self esteem.
What is dependent personality (Cluster C)
Inability to be autonomous and want other’s to take decisions for them out of a fear of disagreement and loss of support.
what is ptsd full form and explanation
post traumatic stress disorder
Flashbacks/nightmares of very traumatic events (eg: war or natural disaster) which cause anxiety.
2 Types of symptoms for PTSD
Emotional Numbness
Impaired concentration
What is OCD full form, explanation and 2 parts
Obsessive compulsive disorder - repeated pattern of obsessions and compulsions
What is an obsession (OCD)
The mind constantly thinks about the same thing, which causes anxiety
How does an obsession cause a reduction in productivity
The thought keeps running and that reduces productivity.
What is a compulsion
An action to curb the obsession and anxiety.
What are the 3 types of somatic disorders
Somatic symptoms
Illness anxiety
What are somatic symptoms (somatic disorders)
When a person experiences a physical symptom but there is no illness or biological reason to it.
When is somatic symptoms diagnosed
After patient goes to numerous doctors, can’t find anything wrong but are still worried.
What is the illness anxiety disorder
There is no pain/physical symptoms but the patient constantly thinks they are ill.
What is conversion (somatic disorders)
The sudden feeling of loss/a change in motor, organ function or bodily function without any biological reason.
What is a phantom limb
Experience pain in a limb that doesn’t exist.
Diff theories and causes of somatic symptoms - freud and behaviorist
Freud - Unresolved unconscious conflicts that manifest as physical symptoms.
Behaviorist - reinforced behavior
What is a dissociative disorder
Severance of connections between ideas and emotion.
Types of dissociative disorders
Dissociative amnesia
Dissociative identity
What is dissociative amnesia and which defense mechanism does it connect to
Extensive selective memory loss without any biological explanation. May even forget previous identity and assume a new one.
What is dissociative fugue
Memory loss + traveling elsewhere.
What is dissociative identity
Have more than 1 personalities that aren’t aware of each other due to childhood trauma.
What is depersonalisation
Look at yourself from a distance, feel like you are not in your body and there is a change in self perception
What is derealisation
Feel like you’re in a dream and the world is not real
Causes of dissociative disorders
Third one (non theory related)
Freud - some trauma that has been repressed
Behaviorist - Some reward that has reinforced behavior. Eg: Reward of no stress during amnesia.
Childhood trauma
3 levels of substance disorders
What is use level of substance disorders
occasional use of substances (drugs, alc, etc)
What is the abuse level of substance disorders
Consuming the substance at more than healthy levels, but haven’t reached an addiction level.
What is the dependence level of substance disorders.
2 parts of addiction
What is tolerance (addiction)
Keep increasing the amount of the substance to feel the same high.
Body gets used to the initial level of substance
What is Withdrawal (addiction)
Psychological or physical symptoms when you are not using the substance/trying to stop.
What does a inhibitory substance do
Slows the body down
What does a stimulatory substance do
Puts body in a euphoric state, energized, etc.
What is the IQ Level for mental retardation
IQ < 70
Diff stages of mental retardation and IQ levesl
mild - 55 to 70 iq
moderate - 35 to 55
Profound/sever - below 25
2 Components of ADHD
Which components does a patient have to have
Attention deficiency
Doesnt have to have both components, can also just have 1
What are the char of the attention deficiency component of ADHD
Disorganized Easily distracted Forgetful Doesn't finish assignments Loses interest quickly Doesn't follow instructions.
What arc the char of hyperactive component of ADHD
What can it transform into
Constant motion
Hard to sit stilll
Can transform to impulsivity or aggression when they get older
What are the symptoms of the Autism Spectrum Disorder
Communication is a struggle for them
Only interact with a few people
Very particular about routines and organisation
Very restricted range of interests.
What is high function autism
Mild autism where people can still function and live independently
What is Asperger’s disease
Similar to autism except there is no language impairment
What is ODD (full form and char)
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Very stubborn, hostile, no self awareness, defy authority
What is conduct disorder
What does it end up transforming in usually
Violate others, family expectations, societal norms without any guilt or empathy.
Childhood version of Antisocial, usually transforms to antisocial
Symptoms of conduct disorder
Verbal aggression
Commit crimes such as major deceitfulness and theft or property damage
Trauma and stress related disorders
Reactive attachment disorder
Adjustment disorder
What is reactive attachment disorder
Problems of attachment with attachment figures as a child which lead to attachment problems as an adult,
What is adjustment disorder
Hard to adjust to new set ups and changes. Any of those can result in depression and anxiety.
What is PICA
An eating disorder - eat everything including inedible objects.
What is factitious disorder
Falsify symptoms for attention, medical help, sympathy, etc.
Causes for Factitious disorder
May have unconsciously learned that falsifying the symptoms would earn them rewards such as attention, pity, etc.
What is body dysmorphic disorder
Constant anxiousness about the way you look which could lead to anxiety and depression.
What is hoarding disorder
Keep collecting things for years, no matter what it is.
Letting the obj go causes anxiety.