learning Flashcards
Types of conditioning
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Cognitive Conditioning
Types of learning
Bobodoll experiment
Theory and who was it by?
Theory: Observational learning/Modelling/Vicarious learning
By: Bandura
Steps of observational learning
Latent learning
Who was it by?
Learning which is not shown and “hidden” somewhere in the brain - manifests later when a suitable motivation and circumstances appear
Experiment by: Edward Tolman
What was the Tolman experiment
Latent learning
3 Groups of rats go through a maze:
Group 1 - give a reward at the end of every run
Group 2 - For the first week they aren’t given a reward, for the second week they are
Group 3 - Never given a reward.
Group 2 rats never did well in the first week and took a long time to complete the maze since there was no motivation, but when a reward was offered in the second week they outperformed even the first group in completing the maze.
Insight learning
Who was it by
The sudden ‘aha’ moment which is an insight.
Experiment by: Wolfgang Köhler
What was the Wolfgang Köhler expierment
Put chimpanzees and some material in a room with bananas suspended from the ceiling just of reach. At the start the chimpanzees get try to reach the bananas , but it wasn’t working… Then they had the sudden insight to use the material to reach the banana and got it.
Abstract learning
Different animals learn information of day-to-day life.
Eg: A wood pecker learns what a tree is and can recognize a picture of it.
Classical Coditioning
Experiment and founder
By: Ivan Pavlov
Experiment: Dog salivating experiment
Components of classical conditioning
US - Unconditioned stimulus
UR - Unconditioned Response
CS - Conditioned stimulus
CR - conditioned response
4 Types of classical conditioning
Delayed conditioning
Trace conditioning
Simultaneous conditioning
Backward conditioning
How classical conditioning works
The US always elicits a UR
When the CS is paired over and over again with an US it eventually elicits a response, equivalent to an UR, that is now a CR.
What is delayed conditioning
Best and most efficient form of conditioning where the CS is very prominent.
CS starts –> US starts –> US stops –> CS stops
What is Trace conditioning
A very slow method of conditioning
CS starts –> CS Stops –> US Starts –> US Stops
What is Simultaneous conditioning
A type of conditioning where learning is very weak
Both CS and US start and end simultaneously
What is backward conditioning
Conditioning where no learning occurs
US starts –> US stops –> CS Starts –> CS stops
What is extinction
Unlearning process where the CS no longer triggers the CR.
How does extinction occur
When the CS is repeatedly presented without the US, and the association breaks.
What is spontaneous recovery
When the association comes back after extinction for a brief period.
What is generlaisation
When the US is associated with ALL THE SIMILAIR CS
What is discrimination
Occurs when the organism learning is trained to differentiate between similar CS.
What is aversive conditioning
The use of a punishment to stop an unwanted behavior
Who suggested aversive conditioning
John Watson and Rosalie Rayner
What is high-order conditioning
Once a CS produces a CR –> You use that CS as a US to train another different behavior.
bell(CS) + food(US) = salivation(UR)
bell alone(CS) = salivation(CR)
bell(US) + light(CS) = salivation(UR)
light(CS) = salivation(CR)
Strongest sense to averse from an item
What is the Garcia effect
Refers to taste eversion.
What is operant CONDITIONING
another name for it
Operant conditioning revolves around consequences.
If the consequences are positive, you would repeat that behavior and vice versa.
A.K.A instrumental learning
Who suggested operant conditioning/learning
B.F Skinner
what are the types of reinforcement
Positive reinforcement - adding something pleasant
negative reinforcement - removing something unpleasant
What are types of punishment
Positive punishment - adding something unpleasant
Negative punishment - removing something pleasant
What does reinforcement do
Increases the likelihood of a behavior
What does punishment do
Decrease the likelihood of a behavior
What is escape learning.
When the subject is already in the presence of some aversive stimulus, and wants to terminate it.
What is avoidance learning
Avoiding unpleasant stimuli
What is skinner’s box
A contraption created in order to study animal behavior.
An animal must perform a certain task (flick a lever, etc) to get a reward
what is aversive conditioning
conditioning in which the CR is negative
what is shaping
reinforces the steps used to reach a desired behaviour
what is chaining
teaching a subject to perform a number of responses successively to attain a reward
what is a general reinforcer
what is fixed ratio
when you consistently get a reward for doing a certain number of tasks
what is fixed interval
when you consistently get a reward for doing a task for a certain time
what is variable ratio
when you may or may not receive a reward for completing a certain number of tasks
what is variable interval
when you may or may not receive a reward for doing a task for a certain period of time