Leading Projects, People and Teams Flashcards
How do meeting minutes assist you with leading a team?
Meeting Minutes allow me to accurately record conversations during a project team meeting, confirming agreed actions. I am then able to follow up with the project team following the meeting to ensure actions are being adequately progressed.
How does a Responsibility Matrix assist you with leading a project team?
A responsibility matrix allows me to clearly identify to the team their roles and responsibilities during the refurbishment project.
How do Dashboard reports allow you to lead a project team?
A Dashboard report allows me to accurately report into the client and proactively notify them of any decisions required over the coming period.
What is the difference between leadership and management?
Leader - Focuses on empowering and inspiring.
Manager - More process driven, optimising efficiency of a project.
What is autocratic leadership?
A clearly define hierarchy with a single decision maker who does not consult the wider team.
What is democratic leadership?
Team members will all be involved in making decisions. A hierarchy remains however all parties are involved in a final decision.
What is laissez-faire leadership?
Virtually no hierarchy with project team members being empowered to make all decisions. A hands off leader.
What is paternalistic leadership?
A clear authority figure however all the project team are treated like an extended family with loyalty and trust expected of them.
What type of leader do you think you are?
Paternalistic. I believe a clear hierarchy is important however I believe that the project team should be consulted in decision making with trust being placed in the Project Manager.
What are employment laws?
Employment laws are legislation that governs employer - employee relations.
Could you please provide an example of an employment law?
The employment rights act 1996 which relates to items such as redundancy and unfair dismissals.
Could you please explain what the employment act 2008 is?
This act specifically provides procedure for dealing with employment disputes. It relates to items such as unlawful underpayment and provision of the enforcement of minimum wages.
What is the Health and Safety at work act 1974?
This provides a duty for all employer’s to ensure the health and safety of all employees. Focuses on H&S training, H&S information to be held on site (O&M’s)
Why would a tender post RIBA stage 1 design allow the refurbishment to be undertaken quicker than other options?
The design stages would likely be consolidated by the contractor into a “design development period”. Greater buildability input from the contractor may find efficiencies
Are there any risk associated with the post RIBA stage 1 procurement route?
A lack of design control for the client. They will be dependent on the robustness of the ER’s when enforcing the quality of the works to be undertaken.
With a design post RIBA stage 1 approach, what design would you typically undertake prior to entering into the contract?
Client brief, performance specification from services engineer and architect.
In the 200 Aldersgate Cat A+ refurbishment, How did you assess the contractor’s design capability?
Case studies, visiting referenced projects, previous work, extent of design team.
On your 200 Aldersgate Cat A+ refurbishment, why did you not tender to four main contractors?
Following the initial PQQ, to 6 contractors, we were only comfortable with recommending 3no. parties for tender. Strong PQQ responses were received so we were confident that none of the tendering parties would drop out.
On the 200 Aldersgate Cat A+, If the contractors were proposing options / proposals for the design, how did you ensure that the tender returns were level?
All contractors provided their tender returns based on a design compliant with the employer’s requirements. The quantity surveyor worked with the tenderers for a week to ensure all bids were level. Design options were then shown as an option cost.
on 200 Aldersgate, Why would the agent’s input be valuable when reviewing tender returns?
They reviewed the proposed design to ensure that they were in-line with the market expectations for a Cat A+ project.
on 200 Aldersgate, aside from design what other elements dictated your contractor selection?
Cost proposed by each tender, project team, sustainability credentials.
On Cat B fit-out Leadenhall building, why did you only notice that the consultant was performing poorly at stage 3?
Up until this point the consultant had been fulfilling their responsibilities. Once identified that the consultant wasn’t performing then this was quickly addressed.
As project manager, would you attend design coordination meetings?
What risks would a lack of coordination for the services design typically present?
A lack of coordination could result in post contract change as there may be differences between the architectural and services for items such as drawings. This could present a programme risk also if additional orders of long lead items are required.
How did you mitigate any programme delay that you would have experienced due to the services engineer not performing?
Given that this issue with the services engineer was progressed there was minimal programme delay as a result of their non-performance. When speaking with their director I explained that the design programme was in delay, he confirmed that additional resource would be allocated to the project in order to rectify this.
Were any changes affected following this conversation with the services director following their companies non-performance?
Yes, attendance from the project lead was received at all meetings. He was issuing information for coordination on a far more regular basis.
On your Cat A refurb on King William Street, What form of contractor reporting would you typically expect on a project of this nature?
Weekly project reports incl. site photos, commercial updates, key issues.
Did a lack of organisation on site present any health and safety related risks?
No as this was addressed quickly enough by the contractor. Materials were not being removed from site so in time this could have presented a fire loadings risk.
On your Cat A Refurb at King William street, If the project director was not replaced did this result in a reduction in preliminaries?
It did not, this was used as part of the discussion with the contractor when requesting a replacement for the project director.
On Cat A King William Street, what wider impacts to the project could this lack of senior leadership from the contractor have had?
This could have created health and safety risks on site, reduction in quality.
Why did you believe the project required director involvement?
To provide leadership on the contractor side. To provide a quality assessment prior to areas being presented to the client.
Did the appointment of the project director make adequate changes for the project?
Yes, this helped police the contractors team better and improve organisation on site.
On the main reception entrance relocation, Why was this not raised earlier on in the design process?
This opportunity was only further explored following the client making the project team aware that the adjacent building reception was becoming vacant.
On your reception refurbishment, why was maximising usable space important to the client?
Given this is a reception space this would not generate additional income for the client?
The agency team advised my client that this was the best course of action of the client. I believe additional rent could be generated for other floors within the building if the reception was improved.
How did you go about determining that a new entrance could be formed within the facade?
An initial feasibility assessment was undertaken by the structural engineer. Design options were then presented to the client by the architect.
What is the purpose of a conservation area?
What conservation area did this building sit within?
To protect areas of significant historic and architectural interest.
King William Street conservation area which was formed in 1971.
Why would forming a new entrance be contentious from a planning perspective?
These are works to the buildings external facade within a conservation area.
For the new planning consultant, how did you ensure the level of fee for the works was reflective of the necessary involvement?
I reviewed their scope of service, with the professional team, to ensure this was reflective of the works required.
Why would the appointment of a planning consultant de-risk you progress on the project?
This would allow the design team to receive early planning advice and factor this within their designs prior to planning submission.
How did you appoint the planning consultant?
Client signed their terms of engagement.
Was an application made for the new entrance?
What process did you go through to submit the planning application?
Yes, we made an application for the new entrance to be formed. We underwent a pre-application prior to submitting. DAS collated etc.
What information is required within a planning application?
Design and Access statement, elevation, site boundary plan.
Who submits the planning application?
The client.
Why would you manage a non-performing team member?
- Risk of impacts to quality, cost and programme.
- Speak to their project senior initially.
Why did the D&B post RIBA Stage 1 approach allow for an expedited programme?
- Design period expedited by the contractor and can overlap with lead in.
Is returning a high quality product to market not always the aspiration of the client? Why was this particularly important for this project?
- Higher quality then normal given this was Cat A+ and speculative expenditure.
- Wanted to establish a brand for their Cat A+ refurbs.
Would you normally consult agents during the contractor interview process?
- Not always however given their input on design to date this was felt to be important.
What is typically included within a lead designers scope of service?
- Lead design team meetings.
- Ensure coordination with wider team.
- Review consultants design information.
If no further improvement was received following a senior directors notification, what would you have done?
-Ask for a different member of their team to work on the project and then:
- I would have reviewed their appointment to understand ability to terminate involvement. Coordinate with clients legal advisor.
Did escalating your concerns to the services engineers senior result in improved performance?
Yes, the consultant re-engaged with the team.