Data Management Flashcards
What information was included as part of this GDPR course?
An overview of the UK GDPR and Data protection Act 2018. It explained the right individuals have to access of information and explained that breaches can result in fines of 4% of global turnover or £17.5 million (whichever is greater)
Does your company have an specific GDPR rules?
My company complies with both UKGDPR and the Data protection Act 2018.
What is confidentiality and why is this important?
Confidentiality is the process of protecting a person or a firms information. Confidentiality promotes confidence, the misuse of data may also be illegal and in breach of the UKGDPR and Data protection act.
What are some of the key principles of the UKGDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018?
- Data must be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently.
- Data is collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a matter that is not compliant with initial purposes.
- Kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data is processed.
What are some of the key requirements of the UKGDPR and Data Protection Act?
- Undertake Data protection impact assessments for high risk holding of data.
- Rights for individuals to have access to information on what personal data is being held and have it deleted.
- Data security breaches need to be reported to the ICO within 72 hours.
How do you ensure you are not in breach of GDPR when handling professional teams data?
I would ensure that the storage of any personal data is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes of which they are processed.
How does your company ensure that clients data is adequately protected?
By complying the UKGDPR and Data protection act 2018.
What is a negative of cloud storage?
Security risks associated with a centralised platform.
What are some of the principles of UK GDPR?
- Processed, lawfully fairly and transparently.
- Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary.
Can you please identify some of the individual rights under the Data protection Act?
-Right to be informed
- Right to erasure
- Right to rectification
- Right to access
What are the penalties under GDPR?
- Fined 4% of global turnover or £17.5 million