Theory where,
The rate of creature’s metabolism is related to how long it lives
➢ Organism have much energy to expend in a lifetime
Rate of Living Theory
theory that states the increase caloric intake the lesser the lifespan of the individual will be
Rate of Living Theory
Cellular theories (3)
- number of times cells can divide
Cross Linking
Free Radicals
Theory wherein,
Process in which certain proteins in human cells interact randomly and produce molecules that are linked in such a way as to make the body stiffer
Second Theory - Cross Linking
Theory wherein,
There is only a limit of cell division
First Theory - number of times cells can divide
Theory wherein,
More commercially recognized \
o Highly reactive chemicals produced randomly in normal metabolism
Third Theory - Free Radicals
T or F
Telomerase - a protein
Telomerase - an enzyme
adjusts the cell’s response to stress and growth stimulation based on cell division and DNA damage
- Proteins which make up roughly 1⁄3 of the body
- Acts much like reinforcing rods in concrete
Could explain why muscle becomes stiff at older age and manifest such diseases more common in late adulthood
Second Theory - Cross Linking
When these molecules interact with nearby molecules, problems may result
Unusable molecules
Free Radicals
Substances that prevent the development of free radicals in the first place prevent oxygen from combining with susceptible molecules
Examples of antioxidants
Vitamins A, C, and E, and coenzyme Q
This appears to be a function of physiological processes, the innate ability of cells to self-destruct, and the ability of dying cells to trigger key processes in other cells
Programmed Cell Death
Result of damages and dying neurons sometimes collect around a core of protein
Defining criteria for dementia
Neurotic Plaques
What disease has a massive decrease in dopamine
Aside from dopamine what is one of the neurotransmitter that has a massive decrease?
Fibers that compose the axon sometimes become twisted together to form spiral-shaped masses
Associated with Alzheimer’s
Neurofibrillary Tangles
Management for chronic diseases
Exercise, low-fat diet, decrease stress (these are not sure but it slows down the development)
T or F
most common cause of death in Late adulthood are chronic diseases
Some dendrites shrivel up and die, making it more difficult for neurons to communicate with each other and transmit information
Dendritic Changes
Are caused by interruptions in the blood flow in the brain due to blockage or a hemorrhage in acerebral artery
Strokes or Cerebral Vascular Accidents
May be caused by clots of by deposits of fatty substances due to atherosclerosis
o Hemorrhages are caused by ruptures of the artery
Strokes or Cerebral Vascular Accidents
Treatment for Stroke or CVA
➢ Clot-dissolving drug tissue plasminogen activator, tPA
➢ Is the only approved treatment for CVAs caused by blood clots, at about 80% of all CVAs
➢ Not every patient should receive tPA treatment
➢ Effective only if given promptly, 3 hours after onset of stroke
➢ Difficulty in seeing close objects clearly
➢ The time our eyes need to change focus from near to far, or vice versa, increases
o Interruption of blood flow to the brain
o Often an early warning signs of stroke
Transient Ischemic Attacks
Affects the ability to see details and to discriminate different visual patterns
o Opaque spots that may develop on the lens, which limits the amount of light transmitted
o Often are treated by surgical removal and use of corrective lenses
o The fluid in the eye may not drain properly, causing very high internal pressure
o Usually treated with eye drop
➢ Reduced sensitivity to high-pitched tones
➢ Presbycusis results from four types of
changes in the inner ear
What are:
Metabolic Presbycusis
Mechanical Presbycusis
Metabolic Presbycusis - produces severe loss of sensitivity to all pitches
Mechanical Presbycusis - also produces loss across all pitches, but the loss is greatest for high pitches
What are:
Sensory Presbycusis
Neural Presbycusis
Sensory Presbycusis - has little effect on other hearing abilities
Neural Presbycusis - seriously affects the ability to understand speech
Most common COPD
Difference of DM1 and DM 2
Diabetes Mellitus I: insufficient production of insulin
Diabetes Mellitus II: non-insulin-dependent, sugar cannot go in the blood (insulin production is normal)
Process and structures involved in holding information in mind and using/applying it
Working Memory
Unconscious remembering of information at some earlier time
● Examples: brushing of teeth and taking a bath
Implicit Learning
Deliberate and conscious remembering of information that is learned and remembered at a specific time
Explicit Learning
- the general class of memory, with conscious recollection event, not much of a problem
Episodic Memory
It is the memory for the events happened during one’s life
o This memory is organized according to the periods in one’s life
Autobiography Memory
- the memory concerning the remembering of meanings of words, concepts not tied to a specific time or event, differences can occur
Semantic Memory
Housing option that is
a new approach where they provide support for older adults who require assistance in both ADLs & IADLs and their desire to age in place
Community based setting
Emphasis on living well rather than on receiving care
Emerging housing arrangements
Age for the onset of Alzheimer’s
Early: 60 below
Late: 60 above
Housing option for older adults taht supports living arrangements, the caregiver is not on duty for 24/7, but older adult has difficulty in ADLs
Assisted Living
Housing option that is
long term
24 hr care
Nursing homes
Housing options for older adults
Independent living situation
Assisted living
Nursing homes
Emerging Arrangements
Key symptoms of Alzheimer’s
decrease memory, learning, attention and judgement
decrease hygiene
Housing arrangement that is the cheapest, preferable, and may have home modifications
The process by which people attempt to make
sense of their existence
Integrity vs. Despair
process of reflecting on the experiences and events of their lifetime
Life Review