Adolescence Flashcards
Triggers the release of these sex hormones
Pituitary Gland
is a collection of physical changes that marks the onset of adolescence, including growth spurt and the growth of breasts or testes
o Physical growth, brain growth, and sexual maturation
T or F
Girls typically begin their growth spurt about two
years before boys do
During the peak of the adolescent growth spurt, a girl may gain as much as __ pounds in a year and a boy ___pounds a year
During the peak of the adolescent growth spurt, a
girl may gain as much as 13 to 15 pounds in a year
and a boy 16 to 17 pounds a year
When do boys usually start their growth in puberty and when is its peak? (age)
Boys start the growth spurt at age 13, hit the
peak at 14, and reach mature stature at 17
When do girls usually start their growth in puberty and when is its peak? (age)
Girls start their growth spurt at about age 11,
reach their peak rate of growth at about 12,
and achieve their mature stature at about 15
Two types of physical growth
Bodily changes
Sexual maturation
Which part of the body grows first?
Head, hands, and feet usually begin to grow first, followed by growth in the arms and legs
T or F
Brian is about 95% of the size and weight of an adult’s brain
T or F
By the time you reach adolescence, myelination and synaptic pruning is almost done for slower processing of information
By the time you reach adolescence, myelination and synaptic pruning is almost done for faster processing of information
Adolescence is a vulnerable time because?
the reward and pleasure-seeking centers of the brain, the limbic system, mature more rapidly than the behavioral control systems, the frontal system
➢ We are braver and more courageous
➢ This is why we are more rebel at this age
➢ In social media, they want more likes
Onset of maturation through first menstruation
first spontaneous of sperm-laden fluid
Regulates the physical development by releasing growth hormone and regulates pubertal changes by signaling other glands to secrete hormones
Pituitary Gland
In girls, the pituitary signals the ovaries to release ____, breast to enlarge, the female genitals to mature, and fat to accumulate
In boys, the pituitary signals the testes to release the ___ hormone testosterone, male genitals to mature and muscle mass to increase
T or F
Menarche occurs at younger ages in girls who experience chronic stress or who are depressed
What theory emphasizes the role of fathers in determining the timing of puberty
Paternal Investment Theory
What is considered Regular Activity?
“Regular Activity” is working at least 3 days a week for 30 minutes at a pace that keeps the heart rate of an adolescent at around 140 beats per minute
Effects of Physical Fitness
o Reduce the risk of obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes
o Reduce the risk of psychological disorders like depression and anxiety
Benefits of Physical Activity
● Enhances their self-esteem and help them learn initiative
● Gives them a chance to learn important social skills like developing teamwork
Risks and Injuries in Adolescence
o Delinquent and antisocial behavior
o Use of illegal drugs to improve performance – anabolic steroids
o Increasing of BP and cholesterol levels can harm the liver, reproductive system, skeleton, and cardiovascular system
o Mood swings, aggression, and depression are also associated with it
Common Causes of Death in Adolescence
➢ Drive too fast
➢ Drive without wearing seatbelt
➢ Driving while drunk
➢ Drinking while driving or texting
What is Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development? (3)
- Pre-conventional
- Conventional
- Post-conventional
The theory that belived that each stages of development must be completed before and individual could move on to the next
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development
Kohlberg’s Stage of Moral Development where moral reasoning is based upon external forces
Kohlberg’s Stage of Moral Development where moral reasoning is based on society’s norms
Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development where morality is based on moral code
Stages of the Pre-conventional moral reasoning (2)
Obedience Orientation
Instrumental orientation
Stages of the Conventional moral reasoning (2)
Good boy, nice girl orientation
Law and Order
Stages of the Post-conventional moral reasoning (2)
Social Contract
Universal Ethical Principal Orientation
Stage of moral development,
Based on moral principles that applies to all
Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principal Orientation
Stage of moral development,
Belief that laws are for the good of all members of society
Stage 5: Social Contract
Stage of moral development,
Winning the approval of others
Stage 3: Good boy, nice girl orientation
Stage of moral development,
Maintenance of order in society
Stage 4: Law and Order
Stage of moral development,
Moral reasoning is based on the aim of looking out for one’s own need
Stage2: Instrumental orientation
Stage of moral development,
moral reasoning is based upon the belief that adults know what is right and wrong
Stage 1: Obedience orientation
Who believed that there has to be a single path to find your identity?
What is Marina’s four identity status?
Status where,
The individual is overwhelmed by the task of achieving an identity and does little to accomplish the task
Status where,
The individual has a status determined by adults rather than by personal exploration
Status where,
The individual is examining different alternatives but has yet to find one that’s satisfactory
Status where,
The individual has explored alternatives and has deliberately chosen a specific identity
What is the most common status of adolescence in identity?
Diffusion or Foreclosure
An identity feature where, Adolescents are overly concerned with their own thoughts and feelings
An identity feature where,
Adolescents believe that others are watching then constantly
imaginary audience
An identity feature where,
Adolescence believe that their experiences and feelings are unique
Personal fable
An identity feature where,
Adolescence think that misfortune happens only to others
Illusion of invulnerability
Phases of adolescent’s Choice of career
Third phase in Super’s theory, in which individuals enter the workforce (at age 20)
Second phase in Super’s theory, in which adolescents learn more about a specific line of work and begin training (at age 18)
First phase of Super’s theory, in which adolescents use their emerging identities to form ideas about careers (at age 13-14)
Theory that,
Explains what makes a goods match between specific interest and specific careers
Hollands’s theory
In Holland’s theory, this personality is where
Individuals enjoy doing physical labor and working with their hands; they like to solve concrete problems
What are the examples
Ex: Mechanic, truck driver, construction worker
In Holland’s theory, this personality is where
individuals are task-oriented and enjoy thinking about abstract relations
give examples
Scientist, technical writer
Theory that,
Explains the developmental progression by which individuals translate general interest into specific career
Super’s Theory
In Holland’s theory, this personality is where
Individuals are skilled verbally and interpersonally; they enjoy solving problems using these skills
give examples
Teacher, councilor, social worker
T or F
Antidepressant drugs are the best treatment for depression in adolescents
Psychotherapy is the better choice for treating adolescents,
as drugs may correct the imbalance in neurotransmitters but have no lasting effects and only works for a while and it has been l9onked to increased risk of suicide
Triggers of depression
Serious death