First three years Flashcards
When does the Flexor tone predominates
In prone, turns head to side
Autonomic reflex walking
Rounded spine held sitting
New born
When do the Hands mostly open
Midline hand play
Crude palmar grasp
4 months
When do the Head midline
Head held when pulled to sit
In prone, lifts head to 90 deg
Turn to supine
4 months
When does the
Hands fisted
Grasp reflex
New Born
When does the Gross motor skill:
Maintains sitting, may lean on arms
Rolls to prone
Bears all weight; bounces
when held erect
Cervical lordosis
7 months
When does the Fine motor skill:
Intermediate grasp
Transfers cube from
hand to hand
Bangs objects
7 months
When does the Gross motor skills:
Creeps on all fours
Pivots in sitting
Stands momentarily
Increases lumbar lordosis
10 months
When does the Fine motor skills:
Pincer grasp, mature
thumb to index grasp
Bangs two cubes held in hands
10 months
baby will grasp your hand automatically
Grasp Reflex -
the infant can control whether he or she will grasp the finger or not
Crude Palmar Grasp
- they can stand on their own for a small amount of time
Stand Momentarily
- they hold on to a support to move from one place to another
The immediate response to a stimulus without
conscious thinking
For newborns, it will help them know what to do to get
the nutrients they need as well as protect them from
the environment
From the distolateral foot, you will have to elicit it going the superomedial fast
The toe would extend and the lateral 4 toes would fan or abduct
Babinski Reflex
Blinking when opening a light
Blink Reflex
In response to a loud noise or the baby’s head falling, and the baby would cry
The baby’s arm is thrown outward and inward back
o Grasp reflex in newborn
o In 4 months, hand are mostly open so this reflex disappears
o When you stroke the head of the baby, the baby’s head is turned toward the stroke and open its mouth
o Will be replaced by voluntary head turning after 3 to 4 weeks
The complaint of the mother, when the baby is held upright, the baby moves rhythmically. But in 9 months, the baby doesn’t move rhythmically.
This is normal
o It disappears after 2 to 3 months
o Combo with rooting reflex but disappears later at 4 months
o Replaced by voluntary sucking
Tonic Neck Reflexes
Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex ATNR
Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
o Integrates by 8-12 months
o It depends when the neck is flexed or extend
Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
Both of the hands are in the same position
o Extended neck, the arms are both extended
Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
o Integrates by 4 to 6 months
o It depends when the neck is rotated on the side
o The ipsilateral arm is extended
o The contralateral arm is flexed
Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex ATNR
provides quick assessment of the newborn’s status
In APGAR assesment, what is the meaning of these scores:
3 below
○ 7 or more = good physical condition
○ 4 to 6 = special attention and care
○ 3 and below = life-threatening
T or F
If the patient scored below the passing grade, they will
assess after 1 minute, and you assess it again at the
5 th minute. The last assessment is done at the 10th
newborn patient: heart rate 130, pink body and hands with cyanotic feet, weak cry, flexion of the arms and legs, active movement and crying when stimulated. What is your patient’s APGAR score?
newborn baby. On assessment, you note the following about your newborn patient: heart rate 101, cyanotic body and extremities, no response to stimulation, no flexion of extremities, and strong cry. What is your patient’s APGAR score?
Newborn States meaning
Alert Inactivity
Walking Activity
Alert Inactivity - inspects the environment
Walking Activity - arms or legs move in bursts of uncoordinated motion
Crying - first attempt of communication with the parents, for around 2 to 3 hours a day
Sleeping - for 16 to 18 hours a day.
Comprehensive exam for the newborn’s well-being
Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale NBAS
2 to 4 months of age is when many newborn reflexes
are weighing, meaning it disappears so the baby may
not respond effectively and makes breathing difficult
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Consistent style or patterns to an infant’s behavior
❖ Rothbart three different dimensions
Advantages of Breastfeeding
○ Babies are ill-less often
○ Easy transition to solid foods
○ Breast milk cannot be contaminated
T or F
Milk Formula is the most recommended food for the babies
Breastfeeding is the most recommended food for the
T or F
Breastfeeding is recommended up to 6 years of age,
but introduction of solid food starts at 6 months
Breastfeeding is recommended up to 2 years of age,
but introduction of solid food starts at 6 months
Production of neuron beginning at the __th week of conception
10th week
By the __th month of conception, axons acquire myelin
coordinated movements of the muscles
and limbs
Motor Skills
To move about
Motor development involves many distinct
skills that are organized and reorganized
over time to meet demands of specific tasks
Dynamic Systems Theory
Locomotive Skills
➢ Posture and balance
➢ Stepping
➢ Beyond walking - running, hopping
T or F
At about 4 days, infants can successfully reach
At about 4 months, infants can successfully reach
Process by which brains receive or select, modifies and organizes the impulse they receive
In perception, motion is one clue to object unity, but infants use others, including color, texture, and aligned edges
o This is why toys are more on the color __?
T or F
Apparently, children are first self-aware at age 2 because this is when they first recognize themselves in a mirror and in photographs and when they first use “I” to “Mine”
T or F
Infants readily integrate information from different senses, and their sensory systems seem to be particularly attuned to intersensory redundancy
- informations that are presented simultaneously to different modes
Intersensory Redundancy
Ideas about connections between thoughts, beliefs, intentions, and behavior that create an intuitive understanding of the link between mind and behavior
Theory of Mind