Language development in CH Flashcards
word structure
smallest meaningful unit of language
free/base/root morphemes
-words that have meaning -cannot be broken down into smaller parts
-can have other morphemes added to them
{book, color, establish}
bound/grammatical morphemes
-cannot convey meaning by themselves
-must be joined with free morphemes
{-s, -ed, -ing}
variations of morphemes that do NOT affect meaning
{leaves (z), cats (s)}
sentence structure
6 types of sentences
- passive (subject receives action)
- active (subject performs action)
- imperative (command)
- interrogative (question)
- declarative (statement)
- exclamatory (!)
compound sentence contains what?
2 or more independent clauses joined by a comma and a conjunction (and) or a semicolon
complex sentence contains what?
one independent clause and one or more dependent clause
what is the basic structure of a sentence in English?
subject + verb + object
word meaning (vocab)
semantic categories (r, r, c)
recurrence (concept of more)
rejection (no)
causality (cause and effect)
overextension vs. underextension
all round items are balls
only an oreo is a cookie, not a snickerdoodle
quick incidental learning/fast mapping
CH’s ability to learn a new word on basis of just a few exposures to it
rules that govern use of language in social situations
pragmatics considers ____ and ____ of utterance
context and function
language has 3 functions. what are they?
labeling (naming); protesting (objecting);
commenting (describing)
context of language includes these 3 w’s
motherese/CDS (ch directed speech)
higher pitch greater pitch fluctuations slower rate clear, fluent speech simpler utterances longer pauses between utterances shorter utterances
2 pragmatic skills that develop in infancy
turn taking and eye contact
research: 2 factors associated with more rapid, rich language development in infants and young CH
amount of talking and CG responsiveness
piaget’s stages of cognitive development in order (she put crayons first)
pre operational
concrete operations
formal operations
piaget’s stages ages
more than 11
first 8 grammatical morphemes
-ing in on regular -s irregular past tense verbs possessive -s uncontractible copula articles