Assessment Flashcards
professional judgement about future course of diagnosis/disease
according to ASHA, is it ok to promise a specific outcome?
NO, ok to make reasonable statement of POSSIBLE outcomes under certain conditions
identify/rule out obvious STRUCTURAL anomalies that affect speech
oral facial exam
team members from different disciplines; each do individual evals; each write own report; little interaction with each other
multidisciplinary team
team members from different disciplines; work together in initial assessment, but only 1 or 2 provide services
transdisciplinary team
team members from different disciplines interact and use suggestions/information; team writes eval and plan
interdisciplinary team
what type of test is systematic and provides quantitative information?
what represents average performance of a typical group of people, sampled at diff. age levels during standardization of a test
percentile rank
converted scores that show % of subjects who scored at or below a raw score
what is equivalent to to 50th percentile?
a measuring instrument measures what it SAYS it measures
what type of validity: a new test correlates with an established test of known validity
concurrent validity
what type of validity: test scores are consistent with theoretical constructs, concepts, or expectations
construct validity
what type of validity: thorough examination of all test items to determine whether items are relevant to measuring what test purports to measure, and whether items adequately sample the full range of skills being measured
content validity
what type of validity: accuracy with which a test predicts future performance on a related task (GRE)
predictive validity
consistency with which same event is repeatedly measured
what type of reliability: how similarly a client’s performance is independently rated by 2 or more observers
interjudge reliability
what type of reliability: consistency with which same observer measures same phenomenon on repeated occasions
intrajudge reliability
what type of reliability: consistency of measures when two forms of the game test are administered to the same person
alternate form reliability
what type of reliability: consistency of measures when the same test is administered to the same person twice
test-retest reliability
what type of reliability: measure of internal consistency of a test
split-half reliability
nominal vs. ordinal scale
nominal: present or absent (mild, mod, severe)
ordinal: numerical scale
what type of assessment evaluates a client’s day-to-day communication skills in naturalistic, socially meaningful contexts
functional assessment
alternative assessment to standardized tests: client specific materials to sample speech-language behaviors repeatedly
client-specific assessment