Lab practical #1 goniometry/MMT Flashcards
Cervical flexion
- landmarks?
- normal range?
- inclinometer placement
- end feel
- landmarks: external auditory meatus and base of nares
-shoulder girdle w/support of chair - normal range: 40 degrees (SD 12)
- inclinometer placement is on top of head
- end feel: firm
Cervical extension
- landmarks:
- normal range?
- inclinometer placement
- end feel
- landmarks: external auditory meatus and base of nares
-shoulder girdle and chest to prevent ext. of lumbar/thoracic spine - normal range: 50-70 degrees
- inclinometer: on top of head
- end feel: firm
Lateral flexion
- landmarks?
- normal range?
- inclinometer placement
- end feel
- landmarks: C7 and occipital protuberance
-stabilize shoulder girdle and chest to prevent lateral flexion, do NOT allow head to rotate - normal range: 22 degrees (SD 8)
- inclinometer placement: on top of head facing posterior
- end feel: firm
Cervical rotation
- landmarks?
- normal range?
- inclinometer position
- end feel
- landmarks: on top of head aligned w/ nose and acromion process
-shoulder girdle and chest to prevent rotation - normal range: 50 degrees (SD 10)
- inclinometer position: pt is supine w/ inclinometer on forehead
- end feel: firm
Cervical rotation
- landmarks?
- normal range?
- inclinometer position
- end feel
- landmarks: on top of head aligned w/ nose and acromion process
-shoulder girdle and chest to prevent rotation - normal range: 50 degrees (SD 10)
- inclinometer position: pt is supine w/ inclinometer on forehead
- end feel: firm
Grade 5
- full?
- test w/?
- full AROM against gravity
- test w/ resistance
*if PT can “break” patients hold -not 5/5
Grade 4
- full?
- not able to?
- full AROM against gravity
- not able to hold test position against maximum resistance
Grade 3
- full?
- with what resistance?
- full AROM against gravity
- even with mild resistance
Grade 2
- can move?
- can move body segment w/ gravity minimized
*horizontal plane/power board
Grade 1
- muscle?
- no?
-instruct pt. to?
- muscle contractile activity
- no movement
-move pt. into the testing postion and ask top hold/relax
Grade 0
- no?
- no muscle contraction
+ or - scale is _________ but ________
discouraged but used
You should not grab the muscle belly during testing. T or F
Capital extension
- normal ROM
- position
- pt to?
- provide resistance to?
- substitution
- grade 2,1,0:?
- muscles (8)
- normal ROM: 0-25 degrees
- position w/ head off table
- pt to look up at the wall
- provide resistance to back of head
- substitution: cervical extension
- grade 2,1,0: pt supine and look back at you
- muscles: EXTENSORS
– “suboccipital muscles”: rectus capitis posterior major, rectus capitis posterior minor, obliquus capitis superior, obliquus capitis inferior
– splenius capitis
– erector spinae: longissimus capitis and spinalis capitis
– transversospinal: semispinalis capitis
Cervical extension
- normal range
- position:?
- compensation (2)
- pt to?
- grade 2,1,0:?
- muscles:
– superficial (1)
– 2 others
– erector spinae (3)
– transversospinal (3)
- normal range: 0-30 degrees
- position: prone w/ head off table
- compensation: capital muscles (raise chin) and upper back
- pt to keep eyes on floor and push up into your hand
- Grade 2,1,0: pt supine and push back into hands
- muscles: EXTENSORS
-semispinalis cervicis
-splenius cervicis
-longissimus cervicis
-Illiocostalis cervicis
Capital flexion
- normal range
- compensations? (3)
- position:?
- pt to try and?
- PT to cup?
- grade 2,1,0?
- muscles
– anterior-lateral craniocervical (3)
- normal range: 0-10/15 degrees
- compensations: forward head posture, thoracic compensation, and cervical spine
- position: lay supine and chin tuck
- pt to try and touch chin to chest w/out lifting head off table
-PT to cup chin to provide resistance - Grade 2,1,0: pt attempts chin tuck (partial ROM = grade 2)
- muscles: FLEXORS
– rectus capitis lateralis
–rectus capitis anterior
–longus capitis
Cervical flexion
- normal range
- position:?
- compensations: (3)
- PT to?
- grade 2,1,0:?
- muscles
– anterior-lateral craniocervical (3)
- normal range: 0-35/45 degrees
- position: pt supine and pt to keep eyes on ceiling and lift head
- compensations: make sure chin is a little tucked (no extension) (SCM taking over), no trunk/chest compensation, platysma (corners of mouth will pull down)
- PT to push down on chin w/ 2 fingers
- Grade 2,1,0: pt supine and pt to roll head side to side (palpate SCM)
- muscles: FLEXORS
– anterior-lateral craniocervical region: SCM, scalenes, longus colli
Single SCM
- normal range
- position
- PT to provide?
- compensation (2)
- Grade 2,1,0:?
- muscles?
- when rotating R?
- normal range: 0-45/55 degrees
- position: pt supine and flex and rotate to one side
- PT to provide resistance on temporal area
- compensation: platysma, thorax
- Grade 2,1,0: pt roll head side to side
- muscles: SCM
- when rotating R, L SCM is doing work
Cervical rotation
- normal range
- position
– test resistance in?
– compensation (1)
- Grade 2,1,0 test in?
– rotate?
– compensation (1)
- muscles
– ex: 8
- normal range: none listed
- position: supine and rotate side to side
– test resistance in neutral
– compensation: SB - Grade 2,1,0: test in sitting
– rotate head side to side
– compensation: SB - muscles:
– all of them previously covered
—- ex: SCM, levator scap, longus colli, trapezius, scalenes (anterior, medial, posterior), semispinalis (cervicis and capitalis), splenius capitis, longissimus capitis
Goniometer Normal Ranges
48° (50)
Inclinometer Normal Ranges: